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In any ionic compound the charges of the ions must balance out to zero. The zinc ion has a 2+ charge while the fluoride ion has a 1- charge. So zinc fluoride must contain two fluoride ions for every zinc ion.

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3mo ago

Zinc fluoride has the chemical formula ZnF2, indicating that it contains one zinc ion (Zn2+) and two fluoride ions (F-) to maintain charge neutrality. The zinc ion has a charge of +2, while each fluoride ion has a charge of -1, requiring two fluoride ions to balance the charge of the single zinc ion in the compound.

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Q: Why do you need one zinc ion and two fluoride ions for the formula zinc fluoride?
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Why do you need one zinc ion and two fluoride ions for zinc fluoride formula?

In any ionic compound the charges of the ions must balance out to zero. The zinc ion has a 2+ charge while the fluoride ion has a 1- charge. So zinc fluoride must contain two fluoride ions for every zinc ion.

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Zinc fluoride has a charge of +2 for zinc and -1 for fluoride, so the formula for zinc fluoride is ZnF2.

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The formula for zinc fluoride [note correct spelling] is ZnF2.

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Is zinc fluoride soluble in methanol?

Yes, zinc fluoride is soluble in methanol. Zinc fluoride is a polar compound, and methanol is a polar solvent, which allows for the dissolution of zinc fluoride in methanol.

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Explain how to determine the chemical formula for zinc phosphate?

To determine the chemical formula for zinc phosphate, first identify the charges of the ions involved. Zinc typically has a +2 charge (Zn²⁺) and phosphate has a -3 charge (PO₄³⁻). To balance the charges, you need three zinc ions (3 x 2 = 6+) for every two phosphate ions (2 x 3 = 6-), giving you the formula Zn₃(PO₄)₂.