Because as a male your sexual sensation are external and most female clothing especially silky panties, slip, stockings etc touch that area and slid around and cause an erection. as well it is emotionally sensual to wear womens clothing..a no no and so you become aroused as well. The last thing is that the idea of becoming the woman you want to have sexually is see her in the mirror when looking at yourself crossdressed.
The only recurring instance of crossdressing in Pokemon is the occurrence of female Mr. Mime in the game.
I'm afraid there's no way to stop erections. Erections happen to every man
Girls don't get erections, because they don't have penises. Only boys get erections.
No. Erections are not linked to constipation.
New Erections was created on 2007-03-20.
Erections form by having blood flowing through the penis.
Yes, the fear of erections does exist.The fear of erections or an erect penis is called Ithyphallophobia. The phobia is mainly found in victims of sexual abuse.
Dogs can have erections at any age. But very few have them before 5 months.
Not unless you're getting the erections BECAUSE of the other guys.
Babies can have erections actually but the real ones comes when you've entered puberty.
We have erections when we get excited and if sex doesnt excite u then something wrong.
If you are getting proper erections 4-6 inches and very hard then yes, you are.