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Unlike earth, there is no atmosphere in space. it is essentially a vacuum with no pressure. our bodies aren't built to survive in an environment outside our atmosphere, so the space suit basically simulates the atmospheric pressure of earth, keeping our bodies intact.

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Q: Why do we wear spacesuits in space?
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Why do astronauts wear spacesuits in the outer space?

Astronauts wear spacesuits in outer space to provide them with a safe environment to survive in the vacuum of space. Spacesuits protect astronauts from extreme temperatures, provide oxygen to breathe, and shield them from harmful radiation and micrometeoroids. They also contain communication systems and tools necessary for spacewalks and other tasks outside the spacecraft.

Why do astronauts wear a special kind of-clothing?

Astronauts wear special clothing called spacesuits to protect them in the harsh environment of space. Spacesuits provide oxygen, regulate temperature, and shield astronauts from radiation and micrometeoroids. They also have communication systems and life support functions to ensure their safety during spacewalks or missions.

What does the air in space consist of?

The air in space is very sparse and mainly consists of individual atoms and molecules, such as hydrogen and helium. There is no atmosphere in space like we have on Earth, which is necessary for humans to breathe. Astronauts wear spacesuits that provide them with the necessary air to survive in the vacuum of space.

What are the three methods used by humans in space?

The three methods used by humans in space are spacecraft, space stations, and spacesuits. Spacecraft are vehicles used to transport humans to and from space. Space stations are habitable artificial structures where astronauts live and work for extended periods. Spacesuits are wearable garments designed to protect astronauts from the harsh conditions of space.

Are spacesuits comfortable?

Spacesuits are designed to prioritize function and safety over comfort. They are bulky, heavy, and restrict movement to some extent in order to protect astronauts from the vacuum of space and extreme temperatures. However, advancements in materials and design continue to improve the comfort of spacesuits for astronauts during spacewalks and in the microgravity environment of space.

Related questions

Are spacesuits the clothes you can where in space?

No, you can wear jamies!

Why do you have to wear spacesuits?

No oxygen in space. We need oxygen.

Why do astroanuts weear helmets?

They wear spacesuits, including helmets, to protect themselves from the outer space environment. It is basically a simple space craft.

Why do astronauts wear spacesuits in the outer space?

Astronauts wear spacesuits in outer space to provide them with a safe environment to survive in the vacuum of space. Spacesuits protect astronauts from extreme temperatures, provide oxygen to breathe, and shield them from harmful radiation and micrometeoroids. They also contain communication systems and tools necessary for spacewalks and other tasks outside the spacecraft.

Why should the astronauts use a spacesuits and helmet while walking in the space?

Astronauts wear spacesuits due to the absence of pressure in space. They need to maintain the pressure level on Earth by isolating themselves from actual space. For the helmets: there is no oxygen in space. Humans require oxygen to live, inhaling it through their nose and mouth. Therefore if they do not wear helmets, they will die instantly from loss of oxygen.

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How do astronaughts breathe in space?

Space ships are pressurised and contain their own atmosphere of either oxygen or air (NASA uses oxygen, Russia prefers air). When astronauts have to go outside the ship, they wear spacesuits which are essentially personal spacesuits with their own oxygen supply.

Why do astronauts wear spacesuits in swimming pools before participating in manned space explorations?

because it is the most likely to zero gravity...

Are spacesuits made cheap?

No, the spacesuits that space programs put on people when they send them into space are very expensive. Prices vary by design, but they are by no means cheap.

Why do astronauts have to wear spacesuits?

To breath and to stay warm.

Why do astronauts wear a special kind of-clothing?

Astronauts wear special clothing called spacesuits to protect them in the harsh environment of space. Spacesuits provide oxygen, regulate temperature, and shield astronauts from radiation and micrometeoroids. They also have communication systems and life support functions to ensure their safety during spacewalks or missions.

What does the air in space consist of?

The air in space is very sparse and mainly consists of individual atoms and molecules, such as hydrogen and helium. There is no atmosphere in space like we have on Earth, which is necessary for humans to breathe. Astronauts wear spacesuits that provide them with the necessary air to survive in the vacuum of space.