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So we can stay away from germs, and don't get sick. (I think)

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Q: Why do we have to wash our bodies?
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Yes, as collyrium is used as eye wash,it will be beneficial for a fresh eyes to remove the pollution and foreign bodies which are all present in the eyes.

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Yes if we dont take care of our bodies roots will you start to fill up of old oils from our bodies and the ones you put in your hair like hair spray. Also we have oil glandsin our bodies that prduce oils and you have them in your hair do yeah we need to wash our hair every other day.

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Often scientists wash animals with plenty of saline and water to get rid of all the oil stuck in the animals' bodies.

Why do people who play rock and roll look weird?

I don't know that's your opinion. WELL they sometimes takes drugs and smoke and don't wash there bodies and fart and take a !@#$%^&*.

How many germs are found on a public toilet seat?

There are always germs in our bodies and on our hands, but that increases if you do something like go to the toilet and do not wash your hands. There are more than millions of germs in our hands when we do not wash. It is also so you don't get ill if you eat food soon after your 'trip'.

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Ghosts are typically depicted as incorporeal beings without physical bodies or the need for mundane tasks like washing clothes. In most ghost stories, they are seen wearing the same outfit they had on when they died. So, it is unlikely that ghosts can or need to wash their clothes.