This tradition has murky origins, but some believe it can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. They would put candles on round, moon-shaped cakes to pay tribute to the moon goddess, Artemis, with the glow of the candles symbolizing moonlight.
Many ancient cultures also believed that smoke could carry prayers up to the heavens, which could be the basis for why many people make a wish before blowing out their candles.
I would not count this as the smartest answer but people say it is scientifically possible to hate your birthday but according to my calculations not a lot of people hat there birthdays because it celebrates the best day of your parent/parents life so they celebrate by using candles to make wishes that may or may not come true but they are not allowed to say it out loud that ruins the wish so when the blow out the candles the is most likely to come true. TBH y'all might not like this explanation💀🖐
I think its better to take a shower in the morning in winter but in summer take one at night because in winter you keep your mouth open at night more often and you have germs all over your self from being indoor places so you should keep them in the morning so you will have a lot less germs when you go outside rather then a indoor place but still if you dont smell great take one at night! in summer its good to take one at night because if you go outside a lot you will sweat and smell bad witch or without germs on you and you dont wanna get it on your bed! so thats my thoughts please dont shame me for grammar and spelling!
I would not count this as the smartest answer but people say it is scientifically possible to hate your birthday but according to my calculations not a lot of people hat there birthdays because it celebrates the best day of your parent/parents life so they celebrate by using candles to make wishes that may or may not come true but they are not allowed to say it out loud that ruins the wish so when the blow out the candles the is most likely to come true.
At first this is a tradition.
Some believe that the tradition of birthday candles began in Ancient Greece, when people brought cakes adorned with lit candles to the temple of Artemis, goddess of the hunt. The candles were lit to make them glow like the moon, a popular symbol associated with Artemis.
Many ancient cultures also believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens. Today's tradition of making wishes before blowing out your birthday candles may have started with that belief.
Others believe that the tradition of birthday candles started with the Germans. In 1746, Count Ludwig Von Zinzindorf celebrated his birthday with an extravagant festival. And, of course, a cake and candles: “there was a Cake as large as any Oven could be found to bake it, and Holes made in the Cake according to the Years of the Person's Age, every one having a Candle stuck into it, and one in the Middle.”
So if you do not want to blow out them on birthday cakes, it's no problem.....
You can have a child blow out candles on the day before or the day of their birthday by buying a birthday cake. Click on the birthday cake and choose Blow Out Candles.
Boldly blow out birthday candles.
You make your wish first, then blow out the candles. If you blow out the candles in one breath then your wish is supposed to come true.
You blow out candles on a birthday cake because, before you blow them out, you make a wish, and if you blow them all out in one try, your wish comes true. I've had experience! That, plus it is easier to cut the cake if the candles are not burning.
The same way normal Sims turn into toddlers. If they aren't growing up then throw them a birthday party and they will, even if it's not they're birthday you could still bye a cake, and after they blow out the candles they'll grow, but you need two cakes so that each of them can blow out the candles. Trust me it works! ( ;
You make a wish
People for centuries have been blowing out the candles on birthday cakes, this is due to the greek actor thespus demanding a cake on his birthday so his friends set it to fire.
The strong winds caused the tree branches to blow in the storm.
Oh no? You didnt?... God help us all.
When you are presented your birthday cake, make a wish and blow out the candles. An electrical surge will often cause an overload and blow out a fuse.