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Turtles have webbed feet due to evolution. Most turtles originated in the water and so on the coast or in a swampy area it is very muddy. To protect parts of their feet it became webbed much like that of a frogs feet

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They have fins, to help them swim :)

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Q: Why do turtles have webbed feet?
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Reptiles with webbed feet?

Reptiles with webbed feet include some species of aquatic turtles, such as terrapins and sliders, as well as the basilisk lizard, also known as the Jesus Christ lizard for its ability to run on water. These webbed feet are adaptations for swimming and aid in their movement through water.

How do you tell the difference between terrestrial turtles and aquatic turtles?

Terrestrial turtles have stumpy legs and claws adapted for walking on land, while aquatic turtles have webbed feet for swimming. Additionally, aquatic turtles have more streamlined shells to help them move through water, while terrestrial turtles often have more domed shells for protection on land. Lastly, aquatic turtles tend to have more vibrant colors and patterns for camouflage in the water, whereas terrestrial turtles may have more muted colors.

Are animals with webbed feet for water?

yes they can swim in water if they have webbed feet

How do you get webbed feet?

Duck-wise, webbed feet is just a natural body formation. Webbed feet are formed within the process of a duck in an egg. Every specie of water-bird (i.e. goose, duck, swan....) has webbed feet! It's a natural thing! Humans cannot have webbed feet because there is no purpose for humans to HAVE webbed feet unless you swim a lot.

Do patterdale terriers have webbed paws?

They were orginally bred with the Black and Tan Terrier, and the Otter Hound (which has webbed feet) So if it a true Airedale, it would have webbed feet. I own an Airedale and she has webbed feet. I found that out after she caught a bur in between her toes.