they have 366 eggs they die from the pain but not all Spiders die after have
baby's some spiders have 2,000 eggs and they don't die just small spiders die.
PS don't kill spiders they are just as scared of you as you are of them
don't harm a pregnant spider they are very aggressive when they pregnant if
you don't harm them they wont harm.
Hope i helped
Spiders do not give birth. They lay eggs. Typically they lay their eggs in a silken sac of some kind that is sealed until the spiders start to hatch. The silken sac is carried around by some spiders such as the wolf spiders, or may be hung in or near to the spider's web. Different spiders have different places to keep their egg sacs safe.
No, only females have the biological ability to give birth.
Female elephants have a gestation period of about 22 months before giving birth. They typically give birth to one calf, which is born weighing between 200-300 pounds. The birth itself usually happens quickly, with other elephants in the herd often providing support and protection during the process.
No, penguins do not give birth to live young. They give birth to eggs.
Rabbits give birth to live young. They do not lay eggs.
Yes, once they give birth they die. LOL dumb spiders
Spiders do not give birth. They lay eggs. Typically they lay their eggs in a silken sac of some kind that is sealed until the spiders start to hatch. The silken sac is carried around by some spiders such as the wolf spiders, or may be hung in or near to the spider's web. Different spiders have different places to keep their egg sacs safe.
they give birth
I've never heard of spice "spider" and how can a spice give birth in the first place... lol
They give birth by mating with a male and a female
They don't give birth- they lay eggs at around a couple of months age. Males generally live about a year, females have been known to live up to 11 years.
Eventually they will give birth to a child.
Spiders need shelter as well as humans do. That just happens to be in your house.
Spiders do not 'give birth' they lay eggs ! The spider spins a cocoon from the silk it produces from the spinnerets - where it deposits the eggs, which are left to hatch on their own. Some species of spider will actively 'guard' their eggs from predators.
Since spider monkeys are mammals they do give birth to live young, the name spider monkey refers to their exceptional climbing ability, like spiders have an exceptional ability to climb too.
people celebrate the birth of jesus and give people presents!!! xxx
Yes they can.