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obsidian doesnt crystalize because it was formed under water.

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12y ago
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2mo ago

Obsidian forms when lava cools very quickly, preventing the formation of crystals. This rapid cooling doesn't allow enough time for the minerals in the lava to organize into a crystal lattice structure, resulting in a glassy texture instead.

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13y ago

The atoms are not arranged in a regularly repeating crystalline structure.

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11y ago

It is lava glass and does not have a crystaline structure.

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14y ago

Obsidian is a glass, and glasses are by nature non-crystalline.

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13y ago

Obsidian is an igneous silicate rock that cooled so quickly from magma that larger crystals did not have time to form.

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11y ago

because they do not have a glassy luster.

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11y ago

they cooled too quickly

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Q: Why does obsidian rock contain no crystals?
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What igneous rock has no visible crystals?

Obsidian is an igneous rock that has no visible crystals due to its rapid cooling process, which prevents crystal formation. It is often dark in color and has a glassy appearance.

Is obsidian an instrusive or extrusive igneous rock how do you know?

Obsidian is an extrusive rock and is formed from rapidly cooling magma. Obsidian is also known as volcanic glass and one can find only sub-microscopic crystals in it. This is because it was cooled too fastly for large crystals to form. If the material that obsidian consists of were an intrusive rock and had a lot of time to cool down, one would find that it would be composed of easily visible crystals.

What is a glassy rock?

Glassy rocks are rocks that have cooled and solidified quickly, without forming crystals. This rapid cooling prevents mineral crystals from growing, resulting in a smooth and glass-like texture. Obsidian and pumice are examples of glassy rocks.

What igneous rock has no visible crystals as a result of rapid cooling?

Obsidian is an igneous rock that has no visible crystals due to its rapid cooling process. It forms when lava cools quickly without time for crystals to grow, resulting in a smooth, glassy texture.

Does obsidian a glassy rock have a large grain size or a small grain size?

Actually, obsidian doesn't have grains at all. Technically obsidian is a glass, which means it has no internal structure. When geologists refer the the grain size of a rock, they mean how big the crystals that make it up are. Since obsidian has no crystals, it therefore has no grain size.

Related questions

Must all rocks form crystals?

All rock does not contain mineral crystals. Obsidian, or volcanic glass, in particular is a rock that has cooled so quickly from lava that mineral crystals were not able to form.

What igneous rock has no visible crystals?

Obsidian is an igneous rock that has no visible crystals due to its rapid cooling process, which prevents crystal formation. It is often dark in color and has a glassy appearance.

Is obsidian an instrusive or extrusive igneous rock how do you know?

Obsidian is an extrusive rock and is formed from rapidly cooling magma. Obsidian is also known as volcanic glass and one can find only sub-microscopic crystals in it. This is because it was cooled too fastly for large crystals to form. If the material that obsidian consists of were an intrusive rock and had a lot of time to cool down, one would find that it would be composed of easily visible crystals.

What is a glassy rock?

Glassy rocks are rocks that have cooled and solidified quickly, without forming crystals. This rapid cooling prevents mineral crystals from growing, resulting in a smooth and glass-like texture. Obsidian and pumice are examples of glassy rocks.

What igneous rock has no visible crystals as a result of rapid cooling?

Obsidian is an igneous rock that has no visible crystals due to its rapid cooling process. It forms when lava cools quickly without time for crystals to grow, resulting in a smooth, glassy texture.

Does obsidian a glassy rock have a large grain size or a small grain size?

Actually, obsidian doesn't have grains at all. Technically obsidian is a glass, which means it has no internal structure. When geologists refer the the grain size of a rock, they mean how big the crystals that make it up are. Since obsidian has no crystals, it therefore has no grain size.

Does obsidian rock contain few or no mineral grains?

Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that lacks a crystalline structure, so it does not contain mineral grains. It forms from quickly cooling lava rich in silica, resulting in a smooth, glassy texture without distinct mineral crystals.

What location is the obsidian rock?

Obsidian are volcanic Glasses that cool very rapidly. The crystals are not allow to arrange them self's that is why Obsidian has not 3d internal structure. The are Igneous Glasses

Does molten rock contain large crystals?

No, molten rock does not contain large crystals. Crystals form as molten rock cools and solidifies, and the size of the crystals is determined by the cooling rate of the rock. Fast cooling results in small crystals, while slow cooling allows for the formation of larger crystals.

Is obsidian intrusive or extrusive rock?

Obsidian is an extrusive igneous rock. It forms when lava cools rapidly at the Earth's surface, preventing the formation of large mineral crystals.

What is the rock obsidian luster?

Obsidian has a glassy luster, which means it has a shiny and reflective surface similar to glass. This luster is a result of the rapid cooling of lava, which prevents the formation of crystals in the rock.

Rocks that contain crystals exhibit what texture?

Rocks that contain crystals exhibit a coarse texture. The crystals within the rock are generally large enough to be seen with the naked eye, giving the rock a grainy appearance.