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to make them attractive to the drug user

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Q: Why do some ecstasy tablets have the Audi tt badge on them?
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What is an example of a sentence using the word ecstasy?

Ecstasy is an illegal drug.She was in a state of sheer ecstasy.

Do you see stuff when you are on ecstasy?

Taking ecstasy can make one see things that are not really there in reality. Some people who have taken ecstasy claim to have seen angels and demons standing in front of them. Some say that ecstasy just makes them sensitive to certain lighting. However, ecstasy's effects on people vary greatly. Some do not feel ecstasy, while some feel it greatly.

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Can you show some of our body organ which damage by taking ecstasy?

Your brain will be damaged after taking ecstasy for your first time

What are some ecstasy pills called?

Ecstasy pills are named differently by there potential or amount of MDMA. Some examples are blue monkeys, red monkeys, and more.

Why do some people not have a contributor badge?

A Bronze Contributor badge requires at least 500 contributions. If someone has less than that, they will not have a badge.

What drugs can be in Ecstasy?

There are countless different types of Ecstasy. The name "Ecstasy" refers to the drug MDMA, but most Ecstasy pills are not pure MDMA. They are usually cut with other drugs, most commonly some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), but also cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or heroin or some other opiate.

What are the types of Ecstasy?

There are countless different types of Ecstasy. The name "Ecstasy" refers to the drug MDMA, but most Ecstasy pills are not pure MDMA. They are usually cut with other drugs, most commonly some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), but also cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or heroin or some other opiate.

What makes LSD addictive?

Before this question is answered a distinction must be made between ecstasy and ecstasy pills. Ecstasy is one of the many street names for the chemical MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) where as ecstasy pills are tablets which are claimed to contain MDMA but may in fact contain any number of chemicals. MDMA is NOT physically addictive. It is not addictive in the way that drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and heroine are addictive. Having said this, it has been considered to be mentally addictive for some people. Ecstasy pills may contain any number of chemicals that are not MDMA and some of these may be addictive. The two most common addictive drugs that are found in ecstasy tablets are caffeine and amphetamines. Contrary to popular belief, Heroin and other opiates are rarely found in tables sold as ecstasy. In tests preformed by the, less then 0.1% of tablets tested contained any opiates. In summary, MDMA (ecstasy) is NOT addictive. Ecstasy pills occasionally contain other drugs that are not MDMA and that may be addictive. The dose and method of consumption (oral) of ecstasy tablets do not often lead to physical addiction to these chemicals.

On okami there is a badge making lady in pok-tan when can you get the badge after paying for it?

There is no badge, its just a symbol that will appear on some of the walls of sei-an city

How do you get the flair badge on WikiAnswers?

There is no badge titled "Flair Badge" but there were some badges made that could be considered flair. Check out the related links.

Why would you need a audi axle?

An Audi axle is would be necessary if, for some reason, you broke the axle of your Audi. You should be able to find one at an Audi dealership.