In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.
Most Americans don't hate Mexicans. Some do because of unlawful immigration, bad personal experiences, the crimes allegedly committed by undocumented immigrants, and how undocumented people put a strain on the infrastructure in the US. However, such things do not accurately reflect entire communities of people.
Perhaps some do, but at the end of the day we are all the same, you know if your black and that don't be getting annoyed thinking all Italian people hate you, cos some of them might not be like that. I think the Italians did take part in slavery, but that was probably a while ago.
For the same reason that some Americans are born as Okies, New Yorkers, Iowans or Texans and for the same reason that some people are born as Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans or Italians. Mexicans are born as Mexicans because that is who and what they are.
I can not say that is a valid statement. Some people hate other people for a myriad of reasons. To make a claim that all of one group hates all of another group based on color is a racist statement though. I do not agree with the premise that all of any color of people hate all of another group of people.
some few do like black people
In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.
some ppl hate him bcuz he bruned the Mexican flag and dat means he hate Mexicans and also for his songs
We don't hate Polish People. Almost all Mexicans are Nice people. we like alost every person in the Earth Some Mexican people Hate Yankees(Because of the Land that they took in 1848), Central Americans(Some are Racist against us), Argentinians (For Stupid Reasons) Spaniard (Because they was Coilonizers) Very Few Mexicans hate Chinese (They are cruel with Animals, and we love Animals) South Americans (The latin American people hate each other for stupid reasons) and maybe France (because they Invade us like a lot of times) But we why should hate Poland? we like their Girls and some Mexicans even like the Polish Culture. Many Mexicans like Germany and Russia (Historical Enemies of Poland, I think), but we could never hate a country that had no harm us. Don't worry, Mexicans have a Positive Stereotype of Poland, maybe because of Pope Paul II.
Mexicans but not just any mexicans, MexiCANS live in Reedley! But thanks to the Reedley colleg, thre is now also some black people.
Because. I mean they don't really hate black people. But we hate how ignorant some of them are. We all don't hate them. We dislike them and there ignorance. Well we only dislike the ignorant ones.
As some sort of hate crimes, no. They don't.
Basically, Argentines are mix of people--keep in mind that it is in South America. Some discriminate black people, but not many.
Most Americans don't hate Mexicans. Some do because of unlawful immigration, bad personal experiences, the crimes allegedly committed by undocumented immigrants, and how undocumented people put a strain on the infrastructure in the US. However, such things do not accurately reflect entire communities of people.
Because there is a superstisions that says they are bad luck!!!
i hate black people
Why generalize a whole race as trashy. Some mexicans are and some arenβt just like the rest of the fvkin world???