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Q: Why do rabbits like to live in cold places?
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What climate do rabbits live?

Some rabbits live in cold places like New Zealand rabbits, but some live in warm places like dwarf rabbits

Do rabbits live in the US?

Yes, rabbits live in the United States, there are even snow bunnys live in really cold places

Does an arctic hare live in cold places?

Yes, Arctic Hares live in cold places like the Tundra.

Where do snow rabbits live?

Snow rabbits live in the cold places with some snow and other cold animals and sometimes in the Artic.

Do rhinoceros live in hot or cold places?

Rhino's live in hot places like Africa

Do polar bears like cold or hot places?

Polar bears like cold places, hence why they live in the North where all the snow and cold is.

What is the description of a Rabbits Habitat?

A rabbit's habitat depends on the type of the rabbit. For example, a hare might live in grasslands or mountains like switzerland, or the U.S, including Canada. Other rabbits can live in hot and dry places like the middle east, but not anywhere, you may find them in Saudia Arabia in Tayef, or Abha, even in the U.A.E, Oman, Kuwait. But places next to the sea like Qatar, may not have rabbits as a country animal, instead they can have falcons etc..good for shooting with a 22 or a 222 Rabbits, although they are veriaties of them, they still can live in both places, the hot regions, or the cold regions. by zac rules

Do chimpanzees live in hot or cold places?

they live in cold places

Do grizzly bears live in hot places or cold places?

ya like totally

What type of places do rabbits live?

Rabbits live in grasslands, forests, woods, fields, meadows, and in captivity

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they live in cold places

How do cheetahs survive in hot habitats?

Cheetahs live in hot places because if they are in a cold place, there are no animals such as gazelles, impalas, and smaller animals like rabbits. Since the cheetah is a predator, it needs these animals to survive, and since these animals are not present in a cold place, the cheetah needs to live in warm environment.