

Best Answer

god made it like that for a purpose. maybe to protect them from falling objects.....we never know

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Q: What does a Quails head feather mean?
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What is the thing on a quails head?

A feather, that grows up and out, like a a crest. It's a plume and contains 6 overlapping feathers.

Why the notch in NBC's blue feather?

You mean Purple and it is the Peacocks head.

Who wears the feather of truth on their head?

In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Maat wore a feather of truth on her head. This feather of truth was a symbol of justice, as she was the goddess of justice and morality.

What type of feather was on ma'at's head the Egyptian gods heads?

Maat's symbol which is often depicted on top of her head is an ostrich feather.

What are facts about quails?

Quail - common name for a variety of small game birds related to the partridge, pheasant, and more distantly to the grouse.Ok, I'll give you 3 facts and a website.1.Quail live all over North America.2.Some quail have a feather on there head called a 'bobble', and is smaller on the females.3.Quail nest in weedy areas with ground cover.For more information go to

Are there quails in Kenya?

Yes there are blue quails

When was The Quails created?

The Quails was created in 2006.

What quaels eat?

umm i think you mean Quails and they will eat seeds and nuts

Is feather in the wind a legit phrase in English and if then what does it mean?

"feather in the wind" - can you say that in English? And what does it mean?

What is the idiom meaning of a feather in a cup?

It would mean that you put a feather into a cup. Perhaps you mean "a feather in your cap," which was a way of showing an achievement and has come to mean any achievement.

What does it mean to send someone a black feather?

Sending a black feather can mean a great many things. Sometimes sending someone a black feather can mean wishing death on them.

Will hetty feather meet her fartyher?

If you mean Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson, Hetty Feather does not meat him.