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These are some reasons hatchling turtles don't survive to swim in the ocean.

1. Many of them are eaten by birds, dogs, jackals, and other predators, while making their way to the ocean.

2. Also, they may never make it out of their shell or the nesting site, either they can not work themselves free, and become exhausted, or their nesting site is disturbed during incubation, and the growth cycle interrupted.

3. Natural Destruction like flood, beach erosion, even storms such as hurricanes can collapse the nest site and destroy the eggs.

4. Strong artificial illumination too close to the nesting beaches which completely disorients the hatchling's instinctive ability to find the ocean.

5. Harvesting of eggs by humans for sale on the market.

6. Degradation, transformation and destruction of natural conditions at nesting beaches by coastal developments.

7. People driving, camping, and even playing on the beach can collapse nesting sites, destroying all the eggs, without anyone even being aware of it.

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15y ago

They probably get eaten by their predators such as birds or run over by beach vehicles.

Baby turtles often die before reaching the sea because predators have been watching quietly as the baby sea turtles start to come out of their eggs. Of course the predators are much faster than the sea turtles because:

  1. They are new born
  2. It is quite hard for sea turtles to travel on land since they have flippers

Also, sea turtles sometimes get eaten while they are still in their eggs. Once the mother has gone (she leaves after laying her eggs), the predators arrive an gobble up a few eggs, sometimes even quite a lot!

I understand that recently, scientists discovered entire colonies out in the ocean made up of sea turtles. It appears that they swim out to sea and 'hang around' with their own kind, possibly for years, getting bigger and stronger before leaving to face life on their own. Safety in numbers!

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It is important to avoid interfering with the natural hatching process of baby turtles. In most cases, it is best to allow the baby turtles to hatch on their own and reach the ocean. However, if they are in immediate danger or facing obstacles, you can seek assistance from local wildlife authorities.

Are baby turtles on their own when they hatch?

If you are talking about sea turtles, they just head out to the sea even though they never saw anyone do that besides themselves or their brothers and sisters. It is an inherited behavior. They just do it automatically. And pet and freshwater turtles just go inside. They get out of the place they were hatched, and then they go into the water to cool and wash themselves. This behavior is inherited. Baby sea turtles use the presence of natural moonlight to find their way to the coast at night. This is why coastal light pollution is such a problem because it disorients the baby turtles.

How long do baby sea turtles stay with their moms?

Box turtles hatch from an egg and their mothers are long gone. They never see their mother.

Do bullfrogs eat baby turtles?

when there very little bullfrogs might if they can fit it in there mouth and it moves they will. But most frogs will not eat a baby turtle. I have bullfrogs and some tiny painted turtles and it has been ok so far. But i hand feed my frogs so they are well fed!!!

What is a snapping turtles food chain?

They most commonly eat fish, but they've been known to take baby ducks and crains.

Does petco sell baby turtles?

no pet co does not sell baby turtles sorry i just went there for a baby turtle and they said that they do not have them and that they used to but now it is not legal to sell baby turtles in the USA anymore.

Where do sea turtle get killed most?

Sea turtles are killed most often on the shore, before or shortly after hatching. Foxes, seagulls, and other animals that frequent the shorelines feed off of the young turtles. Most never make it to the water.

What is overproduction of offspring?

When an organism produces too many offspring to increase the chance of survival for the species. Put it this way: Mother turtles produce many offspring (baby turtles) because most will get eaten or will not survive.

Does the female turtle that laid the eggs stay with the eggs?

Unfortunately no. That's why most baby turtles don't make it to the sea or through the hour.

Where can you get a musk turtle?

You can get common musk turtles from most reptile specialty shops. If they don't have one, they can probably order one for you. You can also get them online from Reptile City or The Turtle Source.