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During a test conducted in the early 90's the Univeristy of Gullabull conducted a study and proved that Wales do indeed backflip as this was a defense mechanism to deflect the torpeddos from the japenese whalers. It was later found out that they have a titanium underplate that insome cases can DEFLECT and then INFLECT towards the predators. Thanks :)

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12y ago
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13y ago

They "jump"(really they just propel themselves out of the water) for many unproven reasons. The theories are: to get rid of an itch(yeah,I know,it's hard to imagen) to look around,to attact the opposite gender or for pure pleasure.

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14y ago

They do this to see what is happening above the water it is not showmanship as it seems to be

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13y ago

It is a kind of communication and very rarely used when hunting large prey

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13y ago

They may be going too fast upward for air but cannot stop at such a great speed.

2 - It is also a way of ridding the whale of barnacles clinging to the whale's skin .

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12y ago

No one really knows but we think it might be a form of play or trying to get Parasites off their tails.

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13y ago

no they cant

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Q: Why do whales splash their tails?
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Do whales and sharks have the same tails?

No. Sharks, being fish, have vertical tails, while whales, being mammals, have horizontal tails.

Slogans for whaling?

whales,whales stop cutting of thier tails.....

To swim whales move their tails from side to side?

Whales' tails move up and down when they swim, just like peoples' legs.

Do whales move there tails when they swim?

yes they do

What is the correct noun or pronoun in this sentence The tails' splash against the water frightened him?

The nouns are: tail's, splash, water. The pronoun is: him

What are the two slogans for anti whaling?

whales whales stop cutting off their tails

Do whales have long tails?

Sort of. The Sperm whales tail is about 6-7 metres long.

Why would you watch whales?

whale watching is really for humpback whales they breach which means that they jump out of the water and splash with their tails its really cool to see scientists watch HUMPBACK WHALES because on the back of their tail flukes, there is a black and white pattern and each humpback whale has a different pattern, scientists observe those to recognize whales, and see where whales travel, if they had any babies stuff like that you know, to collect data, but tourists just watch for the breaching

Does sperm whales have limbs?

They have the tail and their flippers. Some whales have vestigial(undeveloped) leg bones embedded in their tails.

Do whales move there tails from side to side to swim?

yes yes

How does blue whales move?

All whales are propelled through the water by the up and down movement of their tails.

Do whales tail move left right?

All whales move their tails up and down.