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they lick there eyes to clean them because they dont have eye lids like us (so they never shut there eyes) :)

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14y ago
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12y ago

they lick their eyeballs. the do this for the same reason you would wipe your car windows in the rain. When their eyes fog up or get dirty, the lick them like a windshield wiper

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13y ago

They don't have tear-ducts like humans do - so they lick their eyeballs to keep them clean.

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9y ago

For the same reason that most other species do, to protect their eyes

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12y ago

Geckos don't have eyelids so they must use their tongues to keep their eyes clean.

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11y ago

They have no eyelids. They use the saliva from their tongues to clean their eyes.

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12y ago

because they don't blink

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