This is usually the quarterback, and its because he is calling an audible, to switch up a play, or to call motion.
"Hut" comes from the word "hike." Hike is a verb meaning "to pull up or lift" something or "to raise [something] with a jerk." It refers to the act by the center of putting the ball into play by moving it quickly up off the ground and through his legs, either handing it directly to the quarterback or passing it to the quarterback (or some other player) who is some distance behind the line of scrimmage. The center "hikes" the ball to put it into play. Originally, the offensive team would line up and then a member of the offensive team would shout "Hike!" to signal the center to hike the ball and start the play. It very soon became obvious that the signal "Hike!" was a signal that was of equal benefit to the defensive team. Therefore, the offensive team member shouted "Hike!" several times. In the huddle the offensive players were told which "hike" was the "active" one, the one that started the play. Over the years, the word evolved, through a series of snorts and grunts, to become "Hut!" The word hut is just an easier and shorter word to say than hike. The word "snap" is a synonym for hike. The center snaps (or hikes) the ball. Originally, the position of the center was called the "snap." The other linemen were originally referred to as the "wing line." The names of those positions were "inside wing" (guard), "middle wing" (tackle), and "outside wing" (end). A backfielder who lined up outside an end was called a "flying wing."
it depends. you can hike, go on a picnic, play. etc.
You can here in the US reenactment 25 March 2012 . ~ see related links below .
Lee felt he had to move fast, before Pope and McClellan could unite their armies. So he divided his force, sending Jackson on a long hike to capture the Union supplies, while Lee himself attacked Pope, who was completely wrong-footed, and his army routed.
India is a country less developed than the others. This is a reason for the hike in population.
set hike
Hike percentage = 100*(After Hike - Before Hike)/Before Hike
it depends because American football has hike but football(soccer) in the kickoff the ball has to go back before it goes forward
Tom Heisman
They don't always say hike. They don't even have to say hike. a lot of people think that's what they say and some of the Q. B's do say hike but they can say whatever they want and it means hike. all they have to do is hike the ball no matter what they say.
Usually the quarter back says it after that the play starts
hit spacebar twice
Hike is a noun, a common noun. Hike is also a verb. Example uses:As a noun: We took a hike along the west end of the lake.As a verb: We can hike until three, then we can turn back to get in before dark.
a hut is when a QB snaps the ball... he says "hut hut hike!"
Nothing you hike it back yo the kicker and he kicks it like a golly kicks when he gets the ball.
A comma is more appropriate in this case: "Break the shoes in thoroughly on short walks before going on any extended hike." This helps to separate the introductory clause from the main clause.
Because true afficionados are careful to finish their felafels before the hike.