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because the female lays the egg in the males pouch and the male carys it weeks before the eggs hatch
Male seahorses have a pouch on their stomachs. The female deposits up to 2,000 eggs in that pouch. Seahorses are unique in this; no other male fish or animals bears young. Zoologists think it evolved to help seahorses survive.
Male seahorse do not give birth.The female seahorse lay eggs in the pouch of the male seahorse.The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch and swims out of the pouch of the male seahorse.That is why people think male seahorse give birth
They don't really. The female deposits the eggs in a pouch on the male's belly. He then carries the eggs until they hatch, and tiny, tiny seahorses swim out into the ocean.
He doesn't "give birth". The female lays eggs in a pouch which the male has on the front of his belly. When the eggs hatch, the babies are released from the pouch and go on their way.

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6y ago
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6y ago

Female seahorses lay eggs, which they dposit in a pouch on the male seahorse's belly. The male then carries the eggs until they hatch, after which he releases tiny, tiny seahorse babies into the ocean.

As to why -i don't think there's any single good answer to that.

Protecting the eggs means more of them will hatch w/o being eaten. Splitting the task means the female can begin preparing for the next round of egg laying sooner.

but it works for them and that's the main thing.

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10y ago

The female produces the eggs in her body. They are passed to the male's pouch during mating where he inseminates them and they are incubated. Over time they developed the pouch to protect the eggs until they are born. As for why the males adapted the pouch rather than the females, the male reproductive organs are mostly internal in fish (if you look male fish, you don't really see a visible penis). If the female had the pouch he wouldn't be able to reach in and inseminate them, so they would have needed to develop a way to pass them back to the female after insemination. Having the male develop the pouch made it so that the eggs are only vulnerable to attack from predatory fish and other dangers once rather than twice. Since fish don't have an actual penis, it was simpler to have the male develop a pouch than it would have been to completely change the anatomy of the male sexual organs.

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9y ago

The male seahorse is given the eggs from the female seahorse, stores them in s special pouch and guards them until the eggs hatch.

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12y ago

male carries the babies because they are stronger and can pretect the babies

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Q: Do male seahorses actually give birth?
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Male seahorses give birth.

Do male seahorses die after giving birth?

Male seahorses do not die after giving birth. Unlike most other species, male seahorses have a unique reproductive system where they carry and give birth to the offspring. After giving birth, they can continue to mate and reproduce in subsequent breeding cycles.

What male animals give birth?

All male seahorses carry children rather than females.

Do male seahorses give birth from their belly button?

Animals born from eggs don't have much of a bellybutton to start with. What male seahorses have is a pouch on their stomach. The female lays the eggs there and the male carries them until they hatch.

How do male seahorses give birth to their young in 5 words?

Explosive action brood leave pouch.

Can male seahorses become females?

No. Males carry the eggs and give birth to the young which is normally part of the female's role, but the male is still genetically male.

What male salt water or fresh water fish gives birth?

Male seahorses are unique in that they carry and give birth to live young, instead of the female. This is the only known example of male pregnancy in the animal kingdom.

What is unique about seahorses?

the male gives birth to the baby

Do female seahorses lay eggs?

The female seahorses give them to the male seahorse.

Do female seahorses give male seahorses trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis infects only humans, not seahorses.

Do seahorses give birth?

no the females insert the eggs into the males pouch and the male Waite's three weeks for the eggs to hatch