Cats will shed their fur from season to season.
None! Both molt, cats molt more as their fur is denser. However you can get special breeds of both cats and dogs that don't molt, discuss which breeds these are with a vet. x
Sometimes, cats dont molt simply because of something genetic. but here are some typically unmolting breeds: shorthairs, any kind siamese (be warned, they can be VERY loud) normal tabbies and tortiseshells
toads do molt then they eat there molt
They do not and can not molt. "Molt" means to shed hair, pythons have no hair.
They do not and can not molt. "Molt" means to shed hair, pythons have no hair.
When pinnipeds molt they
Zero times the ants molt. Ants do not molt.
No, they do not and can not molt. "Molt" means to shed hair, pythons (and moden reptile in general) have no hair.
No. Cows shed in the spring time, not molt. Birds molt, not cows or any other mammal.
Emil Molt died in 1936.
Emil Molt was born in 1876.