If this is a sudden on set of drooling that you dog generally does not do it could be one of a variety of problems. It could be a chipped tooth, gum infection, possible poisoning, or even a foreign object lodged in its throat. A possible injury, illness or even disease may be the issue here and you should really have your dog checked by a vet as soon as possible as to not let the problem worsen.
it may be because they have eaten something they disagree with, are having trouble breathing, or have a mouth infection. sometimes it will go away and its not a big deal but if it continues, it would be good to go to a vet. reptiles are slow to show signs of illness so a bearded dragon may be very sick by the time they show symptoms.
A white ball python could be any of the white pythons. Those are the Blue-Eyed Leucistic Ball Python, Ivory Ball Python, Hypo Ivory Ball Python and the Piebald Ball Python.
None. Ball python is the species. There are currently no recognized subspecies of ball python, either.
The ball python is only one type of Python. As I don't know which other type of python you're asking me to compare the ball python with I can't really answer your question...
A pied bald python is a morph pattern found in Ball python that is being breed in captivety.
Probably a ball python, because they are constrictors and a viper is not.
Ball pyhton means royal python. It has got his name by curling into a ball when they are stressed.
You should feed your baby ball python frozen pinkies, your middle-aged python frozen mice, your aged python, live mice!
The scientific classification of the ball python or royal python is:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataClass: ReptiliaOrder: SquamataSuborder: SerpentesFamily: PythonidaeGenus: PythonSpecies: Python regius
Python Regius, which translates to "Royal Python," its original name.
This is very common for a Ball python. Here is a web link that will help you understand what your Ball Python needs: http://www.reptilia.org/care_sheets/snakes/csheets_snk_tips.htm