Because they are put under very strict diets to perform at a higher level. And they really can't spin so well when they arent skinny.
male ballerinas are called danseurs.
Anna Pavalova and Marie Taglioni were famous ballerinas at the beginning of it all. See the Related Link below for more ballerinas.
Although most ballerinas tend to have smaller or average sized feet, some ballerinas find that larger feet does not affect the difficulty or the ability to dance.
They can't become anorexic.
Im not sure, you should become anorexic and figure it out, HAHA! =) Im not sure, you should become anorexic and figure it out, HAHA! =)
You don't
It cant really it won't promise me but doen't become anorexic you can die of it
because people like me ... we hate food its our worst enemy your staving yourself ... to become thinner you cant just become Anorexic you know ... its a decease in the mind. you don't just become it some are born with it! if you want to be anorexic you will be a wanmanorexic anorexic is a mental condition in the brain where as a wannanoriexic isn't it means you want the decease. or to be like one.
yes of course you can
It is not recommended to seek out or follow advice from a book on how to become anorexic. Anorexia is a serious eating disorder with harmful health consequences, and it is important to prioritize mental and physical well-being by seeking help from a healthcare professional if struggling with disordered eating patterns.
Anorexia is a dangerous illness. If you want to become anorexic, then please see a therapist or counseler to talk about why.
The exact opposite happens
I believe it is a method actor.
BEST. Like the best way to get into a car accident. Anorexic is a mind set. OCD helps but girl you just want to be skinny and that not anorexic.