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because none of them can breath air

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Q: What cnidarians live in fresh water?
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What kind of environment the cnidarians are living?

Cnidarians live in water.

Are hydras fresh water creatures?

yes. they are cnidarians and one of the only cnidaria fresh water creatures.

Which place is the most popular place for cnidarians?

Cnidarians are invertebrate animals with stinging cells and include the jellyfish, coral, and annenomes. Cnidarians are most commonly found in salt water oceans however the hydra is found in fresh water.

Do cnidarians live in salt water?

Yes, cnidarians primarily live in saltwater environments such as oceans and seas. They are found at various depths and can tolerate a range of salinity levels within the ocean.

Can plankton live in fresh water?

Yes, Plankton can live on fresh OR salt water.

What kind of water do fresh water shrimps live in?

fresh water?

Do flounder fish live in fresh water or salt water?

flounders live in salt water. flounders can't live in fresh water

What animals live in the habitat?

I think trout, fresh water shrimp, fresh water crayfish, caddisfly lava live in fresh water.

Do electric eels live in salt water or fresh water or both?

They live in the fresh water of the Amazon and the Orinoco Basin in South America.

What are fresh water fishes?

fresh water fish are fish that live in fresh water fresh water is what you would get out of the tap at home as aposed to salt water witch contains salt

Where in the sea do cnidarians live?

the cnidarians live at the bottom of the sea ------- and the top of the sea, and everywhere in between...

Do snapping turtles live in fresh or salt water?

Snapping turtles live in fresh water