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I'm going to inform you that I am 16. NOT an adult. What I'm about to say is completely opinionated.

Rock Music these days doesn't appeal to adults because of the tremendous change to rock music over the past few decades. We've gone from great early hard-rock bands in the 70's, to amazing power-metal in the 80's. Lately, though, music doesn't seem to be about the music anymore, as instead it seems that bands are targeted towards the fortune and fame. 'Screamo' and other music of the same style is quite popular these days, and adults don't appreciate it. I don't believe that they should. Blistering screams and repetitive bass pedals don't seem like proper rock music to me. Rock music should be so much more than this, but as I said, this is merely my opinion.

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First of all, I want you to know I am a professional classical composer, by the name of Yuukan Sukit. Traditional music is harmonius through the legendary arpeggio. Rock today lacks any arpeggios of any minor or major scale. In my hometown of Weealkansukit, Russia, rock is looked down on as speddy.

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Q: Why do adults say that todays rock music is discordant?
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Many adults say much of todays music is discordant?

e think that rock music is out of harmony or sounds bad

Why do adults think todays rock music is discordant?

IM an adult and I don't! its just they don't 'get it' that's all..

Why many adults say much of todays rock music is discordant?

their generation of music is different than ours; we grew up listening to different music types.

Why adults say much of today's rock music is discordant?

because has cuss words in it

Why do most adults say that today's rock music is discordant?

I beilevie that most adults think today's rock music is discordant because they don't give it a chance or they don't get how much heart and soul goes into it because it's loud and vengeful

Why do many adults say much of today's rock music discordant.?

because has cuss words in it

Many adults say much today's rock music is discordant explain?

Many adults say today's Rock Music is discordant. This is due to the fact that rock gets louder and more raucous as the years go by. Thus, to older generations, the new music is basically incomprehensible, and way too loud.

Many adults say much of today's rock music is discordant. explain?

Many adults say today's Rock Music is discordant. This is due to the fact that rock gets louder and more raucous as the years go by. Thus, to older generations, the new music is basically incomprehensible, and way too loud.

How many adults say much rock music is discordant?

because they grew up with other bands

Why do adults think rock music is discordant?

because they have very calm emotions inside and fast rock breaks that sence of peace

Why do adults say today's rock music is dicordant?

Adults have always found Rock music a little provocative. Rock, originally was "sticking to the man," and many adults WERE the "man,".... but many adults like the music too. I guess those who don't like it think it's too loud. (alternate answer) Speaking as an adult, I do not find today's rock music to be discordant, although I do find rap music to be discordant. Remember, rock & roll is a musical genre that originated in the 1950's, which (in the year 2011) is over half a century ago. So we adults grew up with it, it's our music. We like it.

Why do most adults call rock music discordant?

Most Adults grew up with Rock, so no they do not think it is Discordant.If you meant Current Pop Music it's just getting good again after the Rap Aberration of the last couple decades. And Rap is not Rock, Popular yes, Rock, NO