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You pull your eyelashes either because of stress or anxiety. I have a problem with pulling my eyelashes, and my mom gave me a book about thrichatilomania, which is about pulling eyebrows, eyelashes or your hair.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Some people, have the problem: (disorder) of Pulling out their eyelashes. It is a disease/disorder called Trichotillomania, that causes you to pull your hair out. It is possible to stop, but probably one of the toughest things anyone with the disease has to ever do. I have the disease, and I still haven't cured it. I am missing eyelashes on one eye, and it effects your appearence, and your self-esteem. I have came up with a couple of tips that can help you stop, or just lay off.

1. Draw eyelashes on a eye on paper, then erase them.

2. Think of yourself doing it.

3. Think about what you will look like if you don't stop.

4. Coat your lashes with Vaseline, (Petroleum Jelly) making them harder to grip.

5. Since many people pick with their nails, cut your nails shorter.

6. Get a activity to do, such as Knitting, Writing, or a Stress Ball to reduce the urge to pull at your eyelashes, since you are doing something else.

7. Visualize what you will look like if you don't stop soon, because your eyelashes will eventually not grow back.

People that don't have this disease probably tell you to "just stop" but, since they don't have the disease they don't realize that you can't "just stop" with Trichotillomania. It takes time, and a lot of effort. If you are still having trouble stopping, your not alone. Like I said, I still haven't cure mine along with the other thousands that haven't either. (I am 11 years old, in grade 6) Consider talking to a Trichotillomania expert, or a Therapist. It may feel Impossible to stop, (trust me) but it can happen if you truly want them to come back.

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15y ago

Compulsive hair pulling is called "trichotillomania" - check out for more information

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15y ago

People use eyeliner to line their eyes and if you use black eyeliner, the correct way to apply it makes your eyes look alittle bigger

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13y ago

Sometimes it is from depression others is just boredom. Or it can even be hormones

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Q: Why do I pull all of my eyelashes and eyebrows out?
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