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Because of genetics. Not just Brits have big noses, though. Germans, Poles, Greeks, Italians, Arabs, Persians and Pakistanis also have big noses (among the latter-half hooked nose shape is common).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Physical features like nose size are determined by genetics and varied among individuals regardless of their nationality. It is not accurate to make generalizations about a specific group of people based on physical characteristics.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The better to smell you truffles with, my dear.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I'm Greek-Amerocan and I'm so insulted now but I'll still answer. It's because it's really hot in Greece, so nature gave them big noses to breathe better with

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Because theyre jews and jews have big noses too

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Do polish have big noses?

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What ethnic groups have big noses?

Arabs, Jewish people, Turks, Iranians/Persians, Lebanese people and Pakistanis have big noses. Basically Middle-Easterners, from Pakistanis to Turks usually have really big noses. But Italians, Greeks, Germans, Russians, British, Polish and French people also generally have big noses.

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Old people have big noses and big ears because their noses and ears get bigger and bigger each second, but VERY VERYslowly.-j.e.k

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most of them do yes!

Why do people think their noses are big?

Some people think they have big noses simply because they care about themselves too much. It doesn't matter if they have big nose it's big heart that need to care about.

Do Jews really have big noses?

Not all Jews have big noses. It's just a stereotype that they do. Some have big noses, some have small. It all depends on genetics. People who aren't Jewsih may still have big noses. I don't think there is actual proof that Jews have on average bigger noses than non-Jews.

Why have most polish people got big noses?

Physical characteristics such as nose size are influenced by a combination of genetic factors and natural variation within populations. It is inaccurate to make broad generalizations about a particular group of people based on physical features like nose size. It is important to avoid stereotypes and recognize the diversity within any population.

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What was the impact that Princess Diana made?

She made some people think that big noses are pretty

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Be cause they have big fingers.

Why do Pakistani women have big hooked noses?

Genes, etc. Like Afghans, Arabs, Jews have big noses too.

Can alcohol cause big noses?
