Capacitors are usually used in power systems to corect power factor, which is a ver complex feild. However, yes capacitors are somtimes used with induction generators. When an induction motor is used as a generator, the spinning rotor has no appreaciable magnetisim and so the motor cannot generate electricity. Carefuly selected capacitors overcome the this difficulty induction machines have in generating voltage allowing them to opperate indipendently from another conventional generator.
Film capacitors cannot be replaced with ceramic or mica capacitors if used for analog signal processing. However, mica capacitors can be replaced with ceramic capacitors in general.
Mostly the leakage of capacitors is due to the resistor.
Capacitors store charge. There are many applications for their use. There is no set amount of capacitors in a circuit since it is application dependent.
Resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes are all passive components.
Yes there are back up generators that don't carry gasoline. We have the gas and propane generators; however, there are alternatives such as wind and solar power.
Any store that sells power equipment, will usually carry generators. That includes Sears, Lowes, Home Depot and Tractor Supply. They are usually located in the Tool section in Lowes or Home Depot.
Most home improvement stores like Lowes, Menards and Home Depot carry small home power generators. Some local hardware stores even carry them or can special order one for you.
Vendors who sell Chinese Diesel Generators can be found online at the following websites. Just got to these links:, and
Try to check if they do carry a replacement for the generators cable. Perhaps they do because They just have all kinds of stuffs in the store that we needed most at home.
The engines are Kofo ( also Chinese)
Most home improvement stores carry portable electric generators. My favorite home improvement stores and Home Depot and Lowes. You can also purchase them on
One can buy used diesel generators in Houston at a number of places. Power and equipment companies carry them. You can also find them on Craigslist and Ebay.
The capacitors those are polarity sensitive are called electrolytic and tantalum capacitors. These capacitors are labeled as positive and negative.
Home Depot carries many different brands of generators. Generac, RIDGID, Powermate, All Power and Stanley are just some of the brands carried by the store.
Capacitors are usually used in power systems to corect power factor, which is a ver complex feild. However, yes capacitors are somtimes used with induction generators. When an induction motor is used as a generator, the spinning rotor has no appreaciable magnetisim and so the motor cannot generate electricity. Carefuly selected capacitors overcome the this difficulty induction machines have in generating voltage allowing them to opperate indipendently from another conventional generator.
Capacitors are rated in Microfarads