Because it is a terrible show and the technology in it is completely fake. If ghosts do exist, they don't know how to talk to them and the people on that show are doing nothing to communicate with them
The duration of Ghost Whisperer is -2640.0 seconds.
Gary Philpouet created the ghost whisperer.
The first season of Ghost Whisperer was aired on 23rd September 2005.
Netflix has all the seasons of Ghost Whisperer available!
The duration of Ghost Whisperer is -2640.0 seconds.
Gary Philpouet created the ghost whisperer.
James Van Praagh is the producer of Ghost Whisperer.
Bcause the main character could talk to ghosts
The first season of Ghost Whisperer was aired on 23rd September 2005.
Netflix has all the seasons of Ghost Whisperer available!
ghost whisperer