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The Opium War started with the British East India Company selling Opium in India, when the market for Opium in India ran out the British decided to trade with China.

The British shipped Opium into Canton and then sold it to the Chinese merchants, selling it to the Chinese people. By the 1830's China had been flooded with tons of cheap Opium. In 1839 the Imperial Commissioner for Canton wanted to cut off all Opium trade with the British, his name was Lin Tse-hsu. Because the British used the money from the Opium to buy things such as tea and porcelain, which were all in great demand in Britain, the British were not happy. Despite China's warnings Britain sold the Opium illegally for a higher price. Meanwhile the British had began their renaissance because they were white they found some mexicans to help them build weirdass english houses and make tea cabinets

China was distraught and beheaded all Britons in China, those who surrendered were forced to work farms in China, as you can imagine the British were not happy about this either. However the Chinese sent a small army of junks to Britain but the British already sent a small but powerful army of modern naval fleets. The two countries met in the middle of the ocean and that was how the war started.

The British won and forced the Chinese to pay in silver, tea, porcelain and made them sign a treaty.

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7y ago

The cause was China's unwillingness to allow opium imports from British India. Since this was one of the major export products of India, British merchants who faced great loss of income succesfully lobbied the British government into a piece of gunboat diplomacy.

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10y ago

The opium war was started by the British people selling opium to the Chinese people for their goods. The emperor of china was angry because of all of the people always on opium so he made it illegal to sell or buy opium. When Britain kept selling the opium illegally, it started the war.

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15y ago

In basic terms, the Chinese Emperor was trying to end China's addiction to opium. This effort included banning importation of the drug, but it was looked upon by Great Britain as interference with free trade.

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15y ago

China refused to import British opium

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Q: Why did the two opium wars start in China?
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The two opium wars were between China and who?

England XD

Which two missionaries spent time in China during the Opium wars?

One missionary who spent a lot of time in China was Lottie Moon. ? Another missionary who spent time in China is Paavo Parviainen.

When was the war between china and Britain?

Just between the two, and with the traditional China, was the Opium wars in the 1800s. "Red" Chinese forces fought British forces on the battlefields of Korea during the Korean war (1950-1953). The British army fielded their new "Centurion" medium tank for the first time during the Korean War.

Why was the opium war fought?

There were two Opium Wars sometimes called the Anglo-Chinese war. Both were struggles about trade rights in China. The high tarriff placed on imported opium by the Chinese Government and the attempt by Anglo traders to circumvent the tax resulted in the Chines siezure of about four million pounds from the warehouses of the Traders. The Chinese burned the opium. In the war that followed the British occupied Canton and the 1842 Treaty of Nanking gave Britain trading concessions and Hong Kong. The French and Americans demand for equal trading rights brought on the second Opium War which was resolved by the 1958 Treaty of Tienstin, granting French and America to trade in China on an equal footing with the British. It also allowed missionary entry into China and to hold and own property within China. Most favored trading status appears to be founded on the right to sell drugs, property rights, and the desire to spread your own beliefs to others.

What two wars did George W. Bush start and is still going on today?

Iraq and Afghanistan

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The two opium wars were between China and who?

England XD

What country with China fought in the two Opium Wars?

It was between China and Great Britain

What two countries fought in the Opium Wars?

First Opium War

How many opium wars were there?


Which two missionaries spent time in China during the Opium wars?

One missionary who spent a lot of time in China was Lottie Moon. ? Another missionary who spent time in China is Paavo Parviainen.

What was the outcome of the opium wars?

The British empire, the largest drug dealer in the history of the world, beat the Chinese in two opium wars and gained the right to sell opium in more Chinese cities...the British could not colonize the Chinese and understood that making them into drug addicts may work this led to a three year conflict with Brittan and china. the war lasted from 839 to 1842. China was defeated humiliatingly.

What was the drug blamed for draining Chinese treasury of silver?

Opium, in a number of related forms, is produced from poppy flowers. Many in the Emperor's court became addicted to the drug after it was introduced to China in the Middle Ages. In the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in China that included legalizing the trade in opium.

Did opium do any impact on China and the British?

The Opium Wars (two separate events) were between the Chinese and the British empire during 1839-1842 and again in 1856-1860. It began when the Chinese began restricting trade, the British in turn began selling opium to Chinese smugglers who in turn began distributing it illegally in China leading to widespread addiction and a downturn in economic productivity and political unravelling.

After the Opium Wars between China and Great Britaintreaties were signed and trade opened up again between China and the western world this also opened the door for missonary work. name two missionary?

James Hudson Taylor and Robert Morrison

What was opium wars?

There were two Opium Wars sometimes called the Anglo-Chinese war. Both were struggles about trade rights in China. The high tarriff placed on imported opium by the Chinese Government and the attempt by Anglo traders to circumvent the tax resulted in the Chines siezure of about four million pounds from the warehouses of the Traders. The Chinese burned the opium. In the war that followed the British occupied Canton and the 1842 Treaty of Nanking gave Britain trading concessions and Hong Kong. The French and Americans demand for equal trading rights brought on the second Opium War which was resolved by the 1958 Treaty of Tienstin, granting French and America to trade in China on an equal footing with the British. It also allowed missionary entry into China and to hold and own property within China. Most favored trading status appears to be founded on the right to sell drugs, property rights, and the desire to spread your own beliefs to others.

The two Opium Wars were between China and what other country?

I'm going to guess it was between China and England over trade routes during ming dynSTY. The Chinese I think were getting hooked on it and some how the English empire was making money off it. It was processed and manufacturer-ed and sold back and there was a trade deficit. The chinese use to make money off silver, pottery and silk. We have a trade deficit today as well. I'm going to google it. It has something to do with the great wall and why China had closed off trade to start with. I think that is how the royal family got all their wealth and what fueled the aristocracy. Today we have blood diamonds and drugs. I still burn the frankincense. I use to like to smoke opium when I was in high school but it was hard to find. It would taste a little like soap, but they usually sole it to you right on the screen . It was a black tarry goo like substance and we usually did it with a little hash. I miss the 70's. I did go nuts and had mood swings when I came off it and got misdiagnosed with manic depression but I responded to the lithium anyhow. I got my life together long enough to graduate. They teach the impact of the opium wars in 11th grade American History class, but I don't think we were in it. I think It had something to do with open markets and terr-ifs on foreign imports. Very good question. the opium wars are going on right now in Afghanistan if you want my honest opinion.

What two missionaries were in China during the Opium wars?

James Hudson Taylor Robert Morrison (William Burns was there too)