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Pterodactylus, a single species of pterosaur, died out around 148.5 million years ago, or 83 million years before the K-T extinction event. However, pterosaurs, or flying reptiles, did die out 65.5 million years ago during the same cataclysmic event that wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs and 75% of Earth's species. Most scientists believe that this event, the K-T Extinction, was the result of a 6 mile wide asteroid that smashed into the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, leaving a 100 mile wide crater. So much dust and ash was launched into the atmosphere that sunlight was blocked for months or years. This caused plants to die, and thus the animals that ate them also died. In turn, the carnivores starved, and that would have included the pterosaurs.

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Contact your local museum or university.

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