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Q: Why did the first nations agree to sign it?
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How do you become a First Nations?

To become apart of a first nations your mom or dad has to be a first nations. if they do not get you registered when you are a baby you would have to get them to sign papers from the reserve that they are from and get your mom or dad to sign them.

Why did the UK sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty?

UK is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and has signed the treaty. Some nations agree that nuclear bombs should not used no matter the need.

What issue did most of the nations founders agree?

they didnt agree on anything.

Why did the First Nations sign the treaties in Canada?

to clear the lands for farmers and the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway)

Is it legal to sign a document that you don't agree with?

You shouldn't sign any documents at work that you don't agree with. You legally do not have to sign anything just because they ask you to.

What is a group of nations from all over the world that cooperate on issues that they agree are important?

United Nations

Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence for the country that was formed in 1948 by a United Nations decree?

David Ben-Gurion

Why did the first nations sign the treaties?

they thought they had no other choice whatsoever they said ''we can either listen to the whites or we can die''

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Did George Washington agree to having alliences with foreign nations?


Did King George III sign the treaty?

no he didnt agree that it was right to sign a paper

Why did us never agree to join the league of nations?

because they are stupid