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The Intolerable or Coercive Acts were designed to whip the colonies back into compliance with the rules and regulations mandated by the British Parliament. They did this to punish Massachusetts by closing the port of Boston until tea was paid for them this had happened 1774.

After Great Britain passed the Tea Act, which was a tax on imported tea, the colonists reacted very negatively. After the Boston Tea Party, in which thousands of dollars of tea was wastefully dumped into the sea, Great Britain passed the intolerable acts- also known as the coercive acts. The Intolerable acts allowed British troops to stay quartered in the Colonies, and also closed the Boston Port until the tea damages were repaid.

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Derick Treutel

Lvl 10
3y ago
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The Intolerable or Coercive Acts were designed to whip the colonies back into compliance with the rules and regulations mandated by the British Parliament. They did this to punish Massachusetts by closing the port of Boston until tea was paid for them this had happened 1774.

After Great Britain passed the Tea Act, which was a tax on imported tea, the colonists reacted very negatively. After the Boston Tea Party, in which thousands of dollars of tea was wastefully dumped into the sea, Great Britain passed the intolerable acts- also known as the coercive acts. The Intolerable acts allowed British troops to stay quartered in the Colonies, and also closed the Boston Port until the tea damages were repaid.

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Ora Nader

Lvl 10
3y ago

the colonists reacted by creating the declaration of independance

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8y ago

The Intolerable or Coercive Acts were designed to whip the colonies back into compliance with the rules and regulations mandated by the British Parliament. They did this to punish Massachusetts by closing the port of Boston until tea was paid for them this had happened 1774.

After Great Britain passed the Tea Act, which was a tax on imported tea, the colonists reacted very negatively. After the Boston Tea Party, in which thousands of dollars of tea was wastefully dumped into the sea, Great Britain passed the intolerable acts- also known as the coercive acts. The Intolerable acts allowed British troops to stay quartered in the Colonies, and also closed the Boston Port until the tea damages were repaid.

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10y ago

They passed them because the colonists rejected and forced Britain to repeal the Stamp and Tea Acts. The acts included:

Soldiers were allowed to live in any colonists' houses at any time.

and they closed Boston Harbor, closing trade and hurting many colonists.

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13y ago

the colonists reacted by creating the declaration of independance

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Q: Why did Britain pass the Intolerable Acts?
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What event caused britain to pass the intolerable acts in 1774?

the boston tea party

What act did parliament pass after the Boston tea party?

The Intolerable Acts were passed. These acts were put in place in order for the colonists to pay back for all th tea dumped.

New law dictated by Britain to punish the colonists for the Boston tea party.?

that they where not allowed to go in to the Boston harbor

Why did the Britain pass new laws that the colonists to as The Intolerable Acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

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Where "were" the intolerable acts? They were in America and King George III of Great Britain created them to punish the colonies.

Why did Britain's pass new laws that the colonists referred to as intolerable acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

Why did Britain pass new laws that the colonists referred to as Intolerable Acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

Why did Britain pass new laws that colonists referred to as the Intolerable Acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

Why did Britain pass new law the colonist referred to as intolerable acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

Why did Britain pass the new laws that the colonists referred as The Intolerable Acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves

Why did the crown pass the so called ''intolerable acts''?

The Crown passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the people of Massachusetts.

Britain's intolerable acts closed what?

boston harbor