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This revolution succeed when earlier ones had failed because it had more support and stronger people behind the cause. This revolution had a previous Russian leader behind the cause plus more citizens backed the idea.
World War I had weakened the Russian military and people's dissatisfaction with life under the czars lead to the successful revolution.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Right now there is a clear battle in the US between Socialism, Free market enterprise and Corporatism. Technically both free market enterprise and Corporatism are both forms of Capitalism but Corporatism is a more like what China has except instead of the Gov controlling everything it's a few huge international corporations. If the Socialists went away we could try new ideas. The fact is that when you use forced redistribution of wealth you are engaging in either or both Socialism and or tyranny. The difference is purely in labels. When somebody steals your stuff they steal your stuff. The slogan they use while doing it really doesn't help most people be good with it. Socialism is when you boil it down to it's most basic essence is organized theft. It is the Government coming in and stealing what you own. In Corporatism you have a similar system but it's done with slight of hand. You have the illusion of choice. You can pay what they want you to pay or do without. What they want you to pay will be more than you can afford, so your stuck back in the old company town kind of world where you make less than you owe and the more you thrash the worse it gets. Free market enterprise is the darling of Libertarians and non-Republcian Conservatives is a system where corporations are kept in check but nobody steals your stuff either. At least not much. The philosophy varies in the extent taxation is allowed. Taxation is nothing but legal theft. It is the taking of goods/monies from the rightful owner. Since it is not voluntary it is theft. If those goods/monies are given to other citizens it's not just theft it's also bribery. So the less taxes and less welfare the better is the general opening theme. Keeping corporations in check creates opportunity thus removing the need for welfare as people have better standards of living. More jobs, better paying jobs and better lives overall. This is balanced with varying degrees of the need to help the least fortunate and retirees. The more extreme is that everybody is on their own to the other extreme with substantial help but generally in ways that produce low taxation. Those are economic models. Socialism tends to be coupled with a wide set of mandatory beliefs as well. This is the basis for the Democrat party. As such Socialism which is another word for Marxism since they are founded on the same core beliefs and ideas and are merely degrees of the same thing rather than different systems altogether is very much in play in the US today. Various Capitalist supporters have a wide array of Social agendas. Some quite liberal but without Marxist approaches to problem solving. As for pointless they are far from pointless. Socialism is Marxism. It is merely a milder form of the disease.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Bolshevik Revolution succeed after others failed because it has more supports than that of the others revolution....

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Q: Why did the Bolsheviks revolution succeed after others failed?
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Who were the prominent members of the Bolshevik Revolution?

Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Stalin among many others, for the Bolsheviks which was the October revolution, or November depending on which Russian calendar is used. Alexander Kerensky, among others, for the Provisional Government. Tsar Nicholas II was not part of this revolution at all since he had been put out of power eight months earlier in the first part of the Russian Revolution, the February Revolution.

Why some revolutions succeed while others fail?

Education, discipline and the ability to differentiate between personal and social goals. Then find people whom have the same ideals and go to work.

How did the Bolshevik revolution lead to civil war in Russia?

The Russian Civil War broke out because many Russians never favored the rule of the Bolsheviks under Lenin. The Bolshevik Revolution was a military coup rather than a popular revolution. The Bolshevik Party was a minority party even among the other revolutionary parties such as the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Constitutional Democrats and others. Not only was it a minority party, but its policies were actively disliked by many if not most of the people in the country. The Bolshevik takeover was tolerated because it was felt that a temporary communist government would be better than the conservative Provisional Government. They also felt that the Bolsheviks would never be able to retain control of the government since they would be voted out of power once the proposed democratically elected Constituent Assembly instituted a proper form of government. Then the Bolsheviks refused to permit the Constituent Assembly to sit, arrested most of the members of the other political parties and suppressed all opposition to their rule. Many Russians, including Russian army commanders were either completely opposed to Bolshevik rule or so disillusioned by the repressive tactics of the Bolsheviks that they became determined to oust the Bolsheviks from power by force. This became the Russian Civil War.

What is the purpose of history?

History puts human experience in context, and allows us to understand ouselves as a people and a culture. It give us a frame of reference to consider the possible future(s) ahead of us. It helps us understand past triumphs and tragedies, and gives us the tools to try and succeed where others have failed

Who were Vladimir Lenin's friends?

His closest known associate was Leon Trotsky.

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Who were the prominent members of the Bolshevik Revolution?

Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Stalin among many others, for the Bolsheviks which was the October revolution, or November depending on which Russian calendar is used. Alexander Kerensky, among others, for the Provisional Government. Tsar Nicholas II was not part of this revolution at all since he had been put out of power eight months earlier in the first part of the Russian Revolution, the February Revolution.

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Was the Red Army for or against the Bolsheviks?

The Red Army was for the Bolsheviks, since it formed at first out of the Red Guard that enabled the Bolsheviks to take over the government in the October Revolution of 1917. For all practical purposes the Red Army was a Bolshevik organization. There does seem to be a bit of gray areas concerning it. Most historians cite the Red Army as the defender of the Bolshevik Revolution. Others define the Red Army as an instrument of Lenin and was soon headed by Leon Trotsky.

Who were the other 2 Bolsheviks who helped Lenin?

Two other Bolsheviks were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, but there were many others, such as Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev.

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It had better leadership and foreign aid from France. they also knew their own land better than the British did.

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You end up like the others who have failed. They're called "losers." You fail only when you give up trying. If you try and try and you cannot succeed, then just change your definition of success and try again.

Internal conflicts in the revolution?

Russia had many internal conflicts after the revolution. The primary conflict was whether the country should be capitalist or socialist/communist. This led to the Russian Civil War alter the revolution put the Bolsheviks in power. There were internal conflicts within each of those sides as well. In the capitalist side some wanted a restoration of the tsarist monarchy. Some wanted a constitutional democracy. Others wanted a military dictatorship. On the socialist/communist side, the Bolsheviks wanted to have sole power over the country. Other revolutionaries wanted a democratic government with participation by all of the revolutionary parties.

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If you don't succeed at something good that you want to do, keep trying until you do succeed and don't care what others think of you.