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It was a forced march by our Government. Many starved to death.

AnswerMany died of exposier to snow due to not having warm clothing. also not enough food. Native Americans, Cherokee's - Tof T...The plight of the Cherokee is (at least) one of the parts of Southeastern American Indian cultures that has 'some' documentation...Most early Americans were simply deemed too unimportant to even document...instead they were deemed a nuisance and too savage to be made into slaves...therefore most were exterminated in attacks and battles that make the Holocost seem timid...There is proof of yearly 'party gounds' in NC that go back nearly 10,000 years, where 100's of different tribes would meet and basically 'party, hunt, fry fish in large kettles, cook eat...and more party...but even today, it seems this part of human history is still not important enough to even slow down developer's bulldozers, as 9 years ago, just such a place was found outside of Raleigh, NC...excavation began immediately, by archeologists that were forced to work, 'literally' feet in front of bulldozers, backhoes and construction crews determined to stay 'on schedule...Today, there are numerous strip malls, housing developments, schools(?), and of course, MILES OF ASPHAULT & CONCRETE...only a miniscule fraction of artifacts from this important find could be located & safely removed before being covered over with developers' monetary gains...The Trail of Tears is documented quite well (considering) because of the later date when some literacy existed, combined with some compassion by a very limited number of people who werent completely morally and ethically bankrupt.

Your best bet is the link below to get as detailed an answer as possible or as specific as you want. Keep in mind however , that Native American Indians are known to have flourished in the area where this discaceful display of inhumanity took place...We really don't know how long the original Americans had been here prior to European invasions, but that speaks to the Indian way of life and their views and useage of the land that gave them life...We have diffiiculty even finding traces of where they have been, because they left so little contrast, European and other cultures (Asian, middle eastern etc) have basically ruined a pristine county in an eyeblink of time as compared to the American's also important to understand that they were equally intelligent and as advanced as any culture, but viewed this world, the land, its resources and other humans in a completely different way than the people with guns, hatred and fear in their hearts...because it was different from the way they had been taught. I think they would have accepted John Lennon and he would have enjoyed their company as well...but then he's dead too..huh?...hmmm...

please look at the link below for quality, specific info on the Cherokee Indians and the very real history of 'The trail of tears'...Good luck in your research...Sir Vertual



No thought was given to the welfare of the Cherokee...they were non-persons. The government soldiers would appear without warning at a Cherokee front door and order the people inside the home, men women and children, to immediately vacate and take only what each could carry. They were forced marched to hastily constructed stockades like cattle and left to wait until all other Cherokee (not ONLY Cherokee) were thought to have been 'apprenended' and were then forced marched to the Mississippi River where they were ferried across into "Indian Territory" (generally Oklahoma). Many thousands died on this march due to starvation, cold, heat, disease and broken hearts.

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The primary reasons behind the Indian Removal Act being such a tragedy are: * Violation of International Law, Treaties * Theft of Land (all, under this type of policy) * Violation of promises made to Native Americans. * Violation of all basic human rights in dealing with native americans. * Outright Rape, Murder, and Robbery of native americans. * Precedence for new policies of the USA in dealing with natives.

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Q: Why did so many Cherokees die on the Trail of Tears?
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During the Trail of Tears the US Government moved most of the Cherokee to what state?

The government moved the the Cherokee that did not die on the trail of tears to the state of Oklahoma.

How many Native Americans die on the Trail of Tears?

During the march, the Cherokee suffered from disease, hunger, and harsh weather. Almost one fourth of the 18,000 died on the march.

Why was the trails of tears important?

it is called the Trail of Tears because american indians when they found gold on cherokee land the government came in.they took the land and got rid of the indians.many took a passage westward.on the long journey more than 15,000 die of disease or became know as the trail of tears

How did some Indians die on the Trail of Tears?

American's; White men and the US Government, generally speaking. There are a few noted instances where individuals, or families, murdered the Indians. Berry (either a first or last name) and a group of locals in Golconda Illinois (Berry's Ferry) shot and killed Indians in cold blood, then sued the US Government to bury them at $35.00 each. History notes that Berry normally charged $0.12 a person to use his ferry, but charged the Indians $1.00 each and he began shooting the Indians because he was bored (and most likely they could not afford to cross).

What made the people fight during the Trail of Tears?

The US Army and its related agents and militias were committing acts of Murder, Rape, and wholesale villainy (an old world term). The normal reaction of any human would be to fight rather than die from such acts.

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How many men women and children die in the Trail of Tears?


Did a lot of the trail of tears people die?

Yes, many of them died of sickness.

Did a lot of the Trail of Tears peoples die?

Yes, many of them died of sickness.

During the Trail of Tears the US Government moved most of the Cherokee to what state?

The government moved the the Cherokee that did not die on the trail of tears to the state of Oklahoma.

Who were the majority of people to die on the Trail of Tears?

Native Americans 3 percent

How many Native Americans die on the Trail of Tears?

During the march, the Cherokee suffered from disease, hunger, and harsh weather. Almost one fourth of the 18,000 died on the march.

About how many Cherokee die on the journey?

Estimates vary on how many Cherokee went on the infamous Trail of Tears. When the Cherokee arrived in Oklahoma, estimates are that around four thousand Indians had died. More were to die once they got there.

Why was the trails of tears important?

it is called the Trail of Tears because american indians when they found gold on cherokee land the government came in.they took the land and got rid of the indians.many took a passage westward.on the long journey more than 15,000 die of disease or became know as the trail of tears

How many native Americans die on trail of tears?

During the march, the Cherokee suffered from disease, hunger, and harsh weather. Almost one fourth of the 18,000 died on the march.

How many Indians died in the Indian removal act?

Estimates suggest that around 4,000 - 6,000 Native Americans died during the forced relocation known as the Trail of Tears under the Indian Removal Act. This tragic event occurred in the 1830s and primarily involved the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes.

Where did the princess of Cherokee die when she walked the Trail of Tears?

She did not die, because 'she' never existed. There is not now, nor has there ever been a 'Cherokee Princess' that term was labeled to Cherokee women displayed to aristocrats from Europe.

When did Walter Trail die?

Walter Trail died in 1401.