Many people did not want to be drafted because they did not wish to risk their lives to prevent the southern states from seceding from the union. It's perfectly understandable.
Probably, because they didn't want to get killed.
The conscription acts passed by the Confederacy in 1862 and by the Union in 1863 were unpopualr for several reasons. Here are some significant ones:
1. Conscription acts had never before existed in the US. Just the idea of forced enlistment, was contrary to US & Confederate ideals;
2. Each of the conscription acts had "loopholes" by which certain men could not be drafted;
3. In the North, a man could avoid conscription by paying the Federal government $300, or finding a substitute to take the draftees place; and
4. In the South, state governments administered the draft acts, and the Confederate governors often found loopholes to having friends skirt the draft. Additionally, slave owners of 20 or more slaves could not be drafted. As most men in the South did not own slaves, this became a morale problem.
Charles Schneck
Yes, especially in the North where the Irish and other poor immigrants fought because of the Draft that was instituted in the North. Immigrants really fought on every side, but mostly in the North because the North had a draft.
There were many people that opposed the Vietnam War. The groups and organizations that were the most anti-war included returning veterans, free speech movement groups, and college student groups.
Hiring a substitute
it made it dangerous to oppose the draft.
They ignored draft notices and became conscientious objectors.
52% of North Dakota residents oppose same-sex marriage as of 2014.
Charles Schneck
A bunch of people that wanted to attack Germany so hitler came destroyed the jews and murdered people...
A bunch of people that wanted to attack germany so hitler came destroyed the jews and murdered people...
oppose - mean support - needed it
the draft
It made it dangerous to oppose the draft.
It made it dangerous to oppose the draft
Yes, especially in the North where the Irish and other poor immigrants fought because of the Draft that was instituted in the North. Immigrants really fought on every side, but mostly in the North because the North had a draft.