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People became Nazis for two reasons one being they were scared out of their mind and thought it was there only way from being killed or two because they truly believed in Hitler and believed he was right about everything because he pulled the country out of a depression

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Q: Why did people became Nazi member?
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What year was it when Hitler became a member of the Nazi party?

Hitler joined the DAP, as the Nazi party was known, on 12 September 1919 and became its 55th member.

How Hitler came to be a dictator?

He became a nazi first

What does Nazi Scum mean?

Nazi's were responsible for the mass killing of many Jewish people. People are so disgusted by these people for this act that they call them "Nazi Scum. "

Did US cause Nazi Germany?

No. The U.S. did not cause Nazi Germany. When Hitler came into power he made people believe that the Jews were the cause of their depression in the economy. And so on, became Nazi Germany. The U.S. did not take part until WWII when we were invaded and forced to take action in the war.the Nazis shouldn't became part of us because they are part of the mangromob and they commit crime?? mzz Gilbert xx

Which country has the largest Nazi Party today?

Largest nazi party?? Nazi party was Adolf Hitler's Political party in GERMANY! Please see what you're asking, probably you're trying to ask that "when Nazi party became the largest party in Germany?" The answer is in 1932 elections, nazi became the largest party in Germany, although they did not gained majority. NO STUPID HE IS NOT ASKING "WHEN NAZI PARTY BECAME LARGEST PARTY IN GERMANY?" HE IS ASKING "WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE LARGEST NAZI PARTY TODAY?" For your information, there is still a nazi party today, and it is all over the world. There are many anti-nazi organazations in the U.S. Infact there was a holocoust museum opening in Chicago, and there were many pro-nazi rioters with nazi flags and chants protesting against the opening of the museum. (sry i don't know which country has the largest nazi party today :(.....)

Related questions

What year was it when Hitler became a member of the Nazi party?

Hitler joined the DAP, as the Nazi party was known, on 12 September 1919 and became its 55th member.

How did Hitler come to power of the Nazi?

He became a top member of the party by getting the majority of the German population to like him. He then was elected their chancellor in 1933.

How did Hitler get chosen to be the leader of the Nazi party?

When Hitler's mother was admitted in the hospital for a surgery,his mother died after the surgery n d doc. was a Jew.So then he started hating Jews n became a member of nazi party n was made d leader of d nazi party.

What did Heinrich Himmler do in the Nazi party?

He was originally a member of the Sturmabteilung ("Assault Section", SA for short), which was the Nazi Party's private paramilitary force. Soon thereafter he became a member of the Schutzstaffel ("Protection Staff", SS for short), which was Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard. He quickly became the leader of the SS. After the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934, the SS became the primary security agency of Nazi Germany, and Himmler was its leader, making him extremely powerful in the regime. As the SS was largely responsible for carrying out the Holocaust, Himmler was at least partially responsible for it happening.

Do you forgive the Nazis?

whilst the nazi party leader was one of the most evil men in history, the term "Nazi" is a name given to a member or supporter of its party. many polish people who were forced to conscript to the German army were considered nazi but they didnt believe in the nazi ideology. in short the Nazi's with nazi beliefs deserve no forgivness, but the forced Nazi's deserve sympathy.

How did Oskar Schindler became a Nazi?

He simply joined the Nazi Party in 1939.

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How were you considered a Nazi?

If you were a member of the Nazi party or fought in the Nazi German army at the time. Actually the Nazis were just a powerful party at the time.

WHEN Pakistan became ILO member?

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Was hideki tojo a member of the nazi party?

yes he was

What actors and actresses appeared in The California Reich - 1975?

The cast of The California Reich - 1975 includes: Ken McAllister as Himself (American Nazi Party member, arms collector) Wayne Raymond as Himself (Nazi Party member) Fred Surber as Himself (former SSgt., US Army, Nazi Party member) James Surber as Himself (Nazi youth)

Was schindler kept at the camps?

No. He was almost untouchable by members of the Nazi party because he was a member of the Nazi party and he was rich