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The first Olympic games were held in Greece as a way to bring people together and show who was better. This was so the people who won could have bragging rights without having countries go to war and kill each other.

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Because they searched for excellence of every type.

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11y ago

The Ancient Greeks held their Olympic Games to honor the God of Gods, Zeus

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In honar of their great gods.

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Q: Why did greeks hold the olympic games?
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Yes, they were. The first Olympic Games were held by the Greeks in Olymia in 776BC.

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By the greeks

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cuz they r totally awersum!! rite darr

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The Olympic Games were first hold in 1896.

Who first invented the ancient Olympic games?

The Greeks are the ones who stared the olympic games to worship their gods and godesses.

How did Greeks get to the ancient Greek Olympic games?

They walked

Who created the Ancient Olympic games?

The ancient greeks