so pretty much athens was not tken over but controlled over time by macedonia when king phillip had weakend athens army. After king phillip, alexander took charge and brought down the democarcy of athens and slowly makeing athens apart of macedonias empire
It was an experiment which failed. A weakness was it was direct democracy - popular assemblies which made all the decisions were easibly swayed by demagogues and made unwise and often destructive decisions. Athens was pushed into war by self-interest groups, and the resulting 27-year war wrecked Greece. It was followed by other wars which let the Macedonians take control, and their kingdoms replaced democratic city-states.
Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
Ancient Greece did a lot of things to hour history. For example, Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy without which I dont know what would happen.
Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
Ancient Greece was a democracy
The first democracy in ancient Greece was in a city called, " Tu Madre" Which means, " Your Mom" in English. (Trolol)
First of all, we should note that only Athens and a few other city-states were ever democracies. The vast majority of Ancient Greece was ruled by monarchies or oligarchies and not by elections. However, in Athenian democracy, all of the citizens voted on policies, which made Athens a direct democracy.
Ancient Greece used Democracy which America now uses.
Ancient Greece.