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because they didnt like each other and they were very bad boys and girls

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Q: Why did china have a civil war between the nationalists and communist why i mean we had a civil war but it wasn't over what they were fighting for why?
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What happened between the Communists and Nationalists Where did the Nationalists end up?

The two political parties fought a bloody civil war. The nationalist government lost, and retreated to Taiwan. The communist established "People's Republic of China" in place of the nationalist government "Republic of China".

When communist took over china where did the nationalists party seek refuge?

Formosa AKA Taiwan

In China's civil war the us backed communist led by who?

the nationalists, led by jiang jieshi

The Chinese Communist occupied mainland china while the naionalist fled to?

The nationalists fled to Taiwan after the communists took over Mainland China.

Why did china choose communism government?

No one chose, there was a civil war in which the Nationalists lost and the Communists won. So China has a Communist government.

Why did the US support the Nationalist in the civil war in China after World War 2?

After WW2 the United Nations began a policy of containment to prevent the spread of Communism. The Chinese civil war involved government nationalists and communist guerrilas. The US supported the nationalists to try to stop the communist takeover.

Why does china have a communist government?

I don't know a lot about it exactly but i believe its because the nationalists were unbelievably corrupt and so Mao and the Chinese communist party (CCP) were able to gain a vast amount of support \ against the very unpopular nationalists and eventually came to power because people saw the CCP as a break away from the corrupt nationalists.

The communist takeover of china forced the nationalists to what?

it force Chaing Kai- Shek and other Chinese nationalist to flee to Taiwan

True False Mao Zedong headed the Communist forces in China Chiang Kai-shek headed the Nationalists?


Did civil war break out between nationalists and communists in China?


What political party in China did the communist party begin its operations?

The question makes no sense. The Communist party began its operations through its own actions. If the question intends to ask what political party the Communists opposed in China, it would be the Nationalists.

What was the political situation in China between World War 1 and World War 2?

the nationalist party and the communist party were figthing until they both teamed up to fight against Japan & won. then they resumed fighting the natioalist party fled to Taiwan and the communist party took over China and china became communist