A wool tunic in the Roman style and may have had a leather apron, but they didn't need protection so the apron would have been optional.
In medieval times, a queen, king, prince, or princess would wear a crown. In current times, an actor playing one of these parts in a medieval re-enactment may wear a medieval styled crown.
he will wear dishrags
People would be forced to wear bells in medieval times because they committed a crime, such as rape. They forced the rapist to wear the bell to warn others when they were in close proximity.
They checked on the mill.
Bakers got flour from millers. Both bakers and millers commonly lived in towns and on manors.
millers usually wear white, but they don't dress fancy. Some millers don't even have shoes to wear for work. They have aprons and carry milk and flour and people don't trust them.
In medieval times, a queen, king, prince, or princess would wear a crown. In current times, an actor playing one of these parts in a medieval re-enactment may wear a medieval styled crown.
he will wear dishrags
a Frock
The address of the Millers Falls Library is: 23 Bridge Street, Millers Falls, 01349 1394