Let's get back to ww1 for this. When Germany was defeated in 1918 they were blames for the war and had to pay reparations to the allies. A man names Adolf Hitler who was born in Austria-Hungary canary to power in the 1930s. He convinced Germans that they aren't the ones to blame for ww1. With many supporters Hitler began building a military which according to the Lausanne treaty back in 1923 forbids Germany from building up a military. The British knew what he was doing so instead of telling Hitler to stop they let him in order to prevent a war.
Hitler started to eliminate Jews, on September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland and ww2 begins
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Germany invaded Poland
The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler had refused to abort his invasion of Poland.
Some historians have said that World War 1 and World War 2 were all the same war with a 20 year gap between the two parts. However, it is officially accepted that World War 2 started when German troops invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. The United States entered the conflict after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941.
Each nation had their particular reason for entering the war.
Germany: Hitler initiated the actions that sparked the start of the war. In his mind he was trying to right the wrongs of WWI that had left Germany humiliated and weak. He also wanted to satisfy the needs of his twisted ideology...which included the murder of millions of people (i.e. Jews for the most part.)
Britain & France: They declared war on Germany because they had reached the end of the line in negotiations. They had finally learned that Hitler could not be trusted and would not be stopped by negotiations. If they did not act he would continue to gobble up countries and get too strong to defeat.
Russia: Was fighting for their lives. Germany invaded Russia to annex its European territory to be used as living space for Germans. The Russian occupants would basically be killed or used as slave labor for the ruling Germans.
Italy: Mussolini saw an opportunity (which turned out to be a mirage) to gain easily at the expense of Britain and France. Once he realized he was wrong and it would be a long war it was too late and he was tied to Germany.
U.S.: Fighting to rid the world of the threat posed by Germany & Japan (and Italy). Although if Japan had not attacked the U.S then Hitler would not have declared war on the U.S., but alas that is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Japan: Japan was fighting to create an Empire at the expense of the western powers. Japan is resource poor so their leaders had for the last 15-20 years abused other countries (namely China) to rape them for resources. WWII for them was an extension of this policy with an attack on the U.S. thrown it to try to keep them out of the way.
AnswerLets pretend that the Germain nation, led by Adolf Hitler was a boy at your school. One day he intimidates and bullies another boy into giving him his lunch money because he wanted it.. Exstatic with his successs he does the same thing the next day and then the next. Success breeds contempt! The other children seeing what is occurring at their school join forces to stop the bully. The reason for, and the beginning of what became WWII.To make the world free of Hitler's rule.
The purpose for the US to start fighting in WW2 was because Japan attcked the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Germany started world war 2 when they invaded poland
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
world war 1 started July 28th 1914 and world war 2 started 3rd September 1939
The German Invasion of Poland started World War 2.
The First World War ended in 1918, World War 2 started in 1939, so there was 21 years between them.
Germany started world war 2 when they invaded poland
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
world war 1 started July 28th 1914 and world war 2 started 3rd September 1939
The German Invasion of Poland started World War 2.
Adolf Hitler started world war two when crowned chancellor of germany and invaded country
Nazism started World War 2
World War 2 was started in 1939
It started on 1st of September 1939.
The First World War ended in 1918, World War 2 started in 1939, so there was 21 years between them.
The world war 2 started on September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945.
School stoped when World War 2 has started
yes where world war 2 was started