Shay's Rebellion alarmed the government because they were afraid a civil war would erupt. Protesters prevented some courts from sitting.
After Shay's rebellion many Americans wanted a stronger national government. Shay's rebellion was an uprising that took place in 1786.
bear flag revolt- rebellion of american settlers against the californios in 1846
Shays' Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon Lead A Rebellion Against The Wealthy Landowners In Virgina Because He Was Helping The African Americans
Shay's Rebellion
Military army
Taxes required of poor farmers
He was a farmer and he did not want to pay any tax because he fought in the revolutionary war to get freedom from the king.
Bendy and she's rebellion showed the weakness of the comfort company Dacian government it let some Americans to me that the Articles of Confederation ideas of liberty set forth in the Declaration of Independence with Massachusetts have asked national government to help put down Shays rebellion congress could offer a little help more Americans began calling for a stronger central government they want to leaders who would be able to protect the nation in times of crisis
The Rebellion.
because it showed that they needed a beter goverment
After Shay's rebellion many Americans wanted a stronger national government. Shay's rebellion was an uprising that took place in 1786.
The Whiskey Rebellion. Americans were very angry about a tax on American made Whiskey.
Shays' Rebellion frightened many Americans because it was just that, an armed rebellion against a fledgling Federal Government. The rebellion, which directly challenged the authority of a Federal Government that was still predominantly weak (see "Articles of Confederation"), demanded rapid action from the President, at the time George Washington. Washington lead several thousand troops directly into the area, silencing any idea of rebellion and maintaining the legitimacy of the government, as well as demonstrating to Americans that rebellion against "The Peoples's Government" was not acceptable. In short though, Americans were watching the government deploying soldiers domestically to quell rebellion purported by other Americans. This was frightening, watching a rebellion being put down within our own nation. In the end, Washington pardoned the leaders of the rebellion, and everything ultimately turned out okay.
Fighting with the Native Americans
After that Americans used the technology of the telegraph.