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He cut his hair because the crew thinks that Shane killed Otis but Shane keeps on refusing. Shane went to the restroom and saw a chunk of hair ripped out of his head. He shaved it because if the others saw then they would find out that Shane killed Otis. He just shaved it to make it even.

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Q: Why did Shane in The Walking Dead cut his hair?
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'Shane Dawson's hair cut' - done!:) lololol, he calls it the butch lesbian hair cut.

Does Shane Sheckler have cancer?

Yes. Why else would he have short hair?!No he does not. its a buzz cut not bald.

Can you get your hair cut while you are pregnant?

Of course. Hair is dead and getting it cut only changes your appearance.

Does hair die when cut off?

Hair is made up of proteins and dead skin cells. It is already dead.

Does dying your hair blonde kill it?

Your hair is already dead, which is why it doesn't hurt to cut it.

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It is like the westive having a hair cut. It removes dead hair or unwanted hair.

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tongans cut there hair at funerals because they are showing respect to the dead person tae head

Is hair cut helpful in hair growth?

No. Hair is dead, so cutting is not a factor. ** Unless you are talking about facial/pubic hair in which case you cut it and it grows back thicker and longer each time you cut.

Why can you cut hair without felling any pain?

Hair is dead. Only alive at the roots; hence you pull out your hair and it hurts, but you cut it and feel nothing

Why doesn't your hair hurt when its cut?

Hair doesn't hurt when it is cut because hair is made up of dead skin cells. Therefore, they have not nerve endings and you won't feel anything when they are cut.

Why doesn't it hurt when you get your hair cut?

Most of the visible part of hair is dead tissue and has no nerve endings. It doesnt hurt when you cut your hair because your hair hasn't any nerve cells so you don't feel anything. Hair has no nerves.Hair is essentially dead cells.. they do not contain any nerve endings, so you can't feel anything when it is cut.

Where can you find a violin bass or cello bow whose hair was not taken from a dead horse?

I don't think bows use hair from dead horses. You can just cut the hair and it regrows.