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Russia helped Serbia throughout most of the war. Being the largest army in the world at the time, it used much of its forces to defend its "little brother" Serbia. Eventually, Russia had to withdraw from the war due to the communist revolution in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin.

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17y ago
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10y ago

Russia entered World War 1 in response to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia. Russia was the self appointed defender of the Slavic people and vowed to protect them from acts of aggression. They also resented that Austria-Hungary had annexed Serbia and other parts of the Balkans decades earlier during a period of Russian weakness and were determined to prevent further Austro-Hungarian influence into the area.

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15y ago

Russia acts to support its ally , Serbia, against Austria/Hungary. Germany supports Austria/Hungary. France supports Russia & Britain defends Belgium. Complicated enough ? The rest is history !

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16y ago

Russia fought against Germany, as did France and Britain.

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