Ontario joined Canada on July the 1st 1867, this is why us Canadians celebrate the national holiday "Canada Day" it was the first province to join Canada, and is what made it a Country to start with.
July 1st 1867They were originally part of the North West Territories, but the Canadian government decided that the NWT had to much power so they split it into 3 sections: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the NWT that we have today.
The confederation league had been pressuring colony of British Columbia to join Canada which was carved out of union of province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1867. The final decision to join was influenced by a heavy debt as a result of growing population, fear of annexation to USA and slump in economy post the gold rush. The union assured to assume BC's loans and so the province joined in 1871
Ontario did not "join" Canada. Ontario did not exist prior to Confederation. Ontario was one of the original four provinces of Canada.
Prior to Confederation, there was the pre-Confederation self-governing colony called the Province of Canada. It was divided into the Province of Quebec and the Province of Ontario on Confederation.
Ontario was one of Canada's four original provinces.
Ontario began as the Colony of Upper Canada on December 26, 1791, was merged into the pre-Confederation Province of Canada on February 10, 1841, and joined Confederation as the Province of Ontario on July 1, 1867.
The Province of Canada, especially the former Upper Canada, was the strongest proponent of Confederation. The "Fathers of Confederation" envisaged a new country that would span the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This new country would also have a better economic base for the construction and improvement of railways, canals and other public works.
Why did NB join? When the people voted on the issue they voted against the idea by electing an anti-Confederation provincial government. That did not reduce the debate or pressure so the next government was elected with the mandate to get a better deal for NB. Instead the next government entered NB into Confederation without getting a better deal and as history has shown, and was recently argued in Canada's supreme court, Confederation was not to be for the overall benefit of New Brunswick.
Few in Canada have ever voted for Confederation. The only provinces to have clearly gained are Ontario and Quebec, they hold the power (now entrenched in the Constitution), they tell the Confederation story from their viewpoint. When Confederation is viewed from other members position a natural question is why join.
A common thread in the answers reveal the role of Canada's elite rulers. As colonies of Britain the leaders where not chosen from the people but supplied by Britain, usually from Britain but always loyal to Britain. To be wealthy and powerful in the colonies a person had to have British loyalties or face an uphill struggle.
It was that small segment of society that decided, for various reasons, often personal gain, that the colonies should confederate rather than join or deal with an expanding United States. Many were anti-American, all could see that any deal with the USA would have them being small fish in a big pond. For them it is better to be a big fish in a small pond and that idea can still be found in much of Canada.
Why did NB join? For the same reason others joined, for the benefit of the elite.
The first 4 did so because they feared another invasion by the United States. Some, the Prairie Provinces, where colonised by Canada who used force to assert Canadian sovereignty, so not much choice there, BC joined because they thought there was profit in doing so. They thought a rail would give their manufacturers a larger market. Didn't work out that way as BC manufacturers found their home market flooded with cheaper eastern Canadian goods.
Each province has it's own history, it's own reasons, for joining the Confederation.
There was no such contract. However, there were formal negotiations to enter Confederation in the early 1860s, and Quebec's - then Lower Canada's - chief representative was Sir George-Étienne Cartier.
Originally Canada was only French Canadian when new France was taken over by the English colonies it became the province of Quebec. From there the English renamed it the province of Canada during the American revolution. From there it separated into Canada east and Canada west. Mainly French Canadians in east and English and American loyalist in the west. When the time came that Canada was united as a country in the hopes to raise their population Quebec and Ontario's population were almost equal Quebec might have even had more people so the answer to your question is without Quebec Canada's population would have been cut in half and Quebec saved Canada's but in a couple of wars.. war of 1812... Quebec was the original Canada. AKA, they didn't want to join, they had no choice.
QC is Quebec or Quebec City.
french Canada
It is located in Quebec, Canada.It is located in Quebec, Canada.
Quebec had bloody recations when Canada join the firt world war. Quebec had bloody recations when Canada join the firt world war. Quebec had bloody recations when Canada join the firt world war.
There was no such contract. However, there were formal negotiations to enter Confederation in the early 1860s, and Quebec's - then Lower Canada's - chief representative was Sir George-Étienne Cartier.
Saskatchewan and Alberta both became provinces on September 1, 1905. They were created by the Government of Canada out of the Northwest Territories. It would be correct to say they "entered" Confederation, but they did not "join" Canada because they did not exist prior to that date. The word "join" implies a prior existence.
Quebec is in Canada.
Quebec wanted to secede from Canada.
Prior to the Declaration of Independence, Congress did invite Quebec to join the cause as the 14th colony. Quebec rejected the offer, which precipitated the American invasion of Canada. Canada, having been French for some time, had a greater quantity of new immigrants from the United Kingdom than the American Colonies did (which itself was estimated at 15-25%).
Quebec IS a province. Quebec City is in Quebec.
Canada Day is for all of Canada, while Quebec Day is for all of Quebec.
Yes, the city of Quebec is still the capital of the province of Quebec.
She is from Canada
If by Quebec you mean Quebec city, it is the capital of Quebec, Canada.
The capital city of Canada is Ottawa, not Quebec City. Quebec City is the capital of the province of Quebec within Canada.