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From what I have heard Pattie (Patricia), his mother put a restraining order on Kim to stay away from Justin because of the sex tapes she put all over the internet. Again this is what I have heard. I'm not spreading no rumors. I'm a Belieber and support Justin and his family all the way.

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Q: Why did Justin bieber put a restraining order on Kim Kardashian?
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What is the supremacy clause and why is it important to maintaining order in the US?

Justin Drew Bieber

When will the new Justin Bieber your world part 2 CD come out?

It will come out on March 23.! You can pre-order it at

What is Justin Bieber's birth order among his siblings?

One (1) is the number held by U.S. performer and businessman Justin Timberlake (b. January 31, 1981) and by Canadian singer Justin Bieber (b. March 1, 1994) regarding their age and that of their stepsiblings:1. Jonathan Timberlake (b. September 12, 1993);2. Stephen Timberlake (b. August 14, 1998).1. Jazmyn Bieber (b. May 30, 2007);2. Jaxon Bieber (b. November 20, 2009).

Who are the Most popular singers of 2009?

there are WAY more than ONE so i made a list in order#5 = brad paisley#4 = Rascal Flatt's#3 = lady gaga#2 = TAYLOR SWIFT#1................................ CARRIE UNDERWOOD!

Who does Michael Buble impersonates in his video Hollywood in order of the appearances?

He starts with Justin Bieber (with a great hair-flick :P) and goes on to James Dean and Clint Eastwood.

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Does Justin Bieber have a restraining order on Kim Kardashin?

no it was a joke!

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It's most likely that the contact details you have received are fake. 98% of celebrity contacts you receive over the internet are fake, and therefore extremely dangerous. Besides, constantly bugging Justin will just force his agent to file a restraining order against you.

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It is not possible for Justin Bieber to be someones wife. In order for a person to be a wife, they would be female. If Justin Bieber marries a woman, then he will be the husband.

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order it or go to his concert and buy one..

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the answer is nothing there is no code

How can you get Justin Bieber Call or text u?

Generally, you cannot get Justin Bieber to call or text you. You can try entering contests when available. Another way to try to reach out to Justin Bieber is through social networking apps such as Twitter.

Is there going to be a Justin Bieber doll?

Yes there already is, just search "Justin Bieber dolls" on google and it should come up, there available for pre-order now/

How many albums does Justin Bieber have?

Justin Bieber has 5 albums out right nowNever Say NeverMy world 2.0My WorldNever Say Never RemixBelieve Justin's newest albumUnder The Mistletoe( these are not listed in order)

What is the supremacy clause and why is it important to maintaining order in the US?

Justin Drew Bieber

What does PRO mean in a restraining order?

Permanent Restraining Order

Can you cancel an existing restraining order?

can you cancel a restraining order?

Where to get albums Justin Bieber?

you can pre-order on itunes or buy in shops from march 23 :)