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It was said that Hannibal wanted to take revenge for Rome seizing the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, which had been Carthaginian possessions, taking advantage of Carthage having to deal with a rebellion of her mercenaries after the Fist Punic War.

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9y ago
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13y ago

Hannibal invaded Italy in the second Punic War to destroy the power of Rome. He hated the Romans after swearing on the alter of Baal as a child. Livy's History of Rome 21.1.4 tell us that his father Hamilcar led him to the alter and made him swear that he would be the enemy of the roman people.

After the 1st Punic War Rome put the Peace Treaty of Lutatius in place which severely restricted Carthage and left the political state with insufficient funds, leading to the mercenary wars, during which Rome went even further and took Corsica and Sardinia from Carthage. Obviously the Carthagenians had to fight back or keep getting walked all over by the Romans. Hannibal rose up and took Saguntum (a roman ally) after 8 months and Rome declared war. Hannibal had a break and planned his invasion, and took his army over the Alps into Italy. Hannibal wanted to destroy Rome by debasing its allies in Italy and had to invade it by land as the Romans had disallowed the Carthagenians to rebuild their Naval fleet after the 1st Punic War. Most his Army died crossing the alps so he got more troops from the local tribes he passed through that also hated Rome as they had been recently conquered. He rebuilt his army back to its original size this way, but if the winter had not been so hard and most of his troops had of survived, he may have gone on to invade Rome with a huge military source. As it was he did pretty well, till he was called back to Carthage and beaten by the Roman Scipio Africanus.

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13y ago

Hannibal Barca never laid siege to the city of Rome itself but sought to exhaust Roman resources by pillaging the Italian countryside in the hopes of persevering over Rome which would have led to a Carthaginian hegemony throughout the Mediterranean .

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9y ago

The ancient Greek scholar Polybius said that Hannibal wanted revenge for Rome seizing Sardinia and Corsica soon after she won the First Punic War against Carthage, taking advantage that Carthage was busy dealing with a rebellion of her mercenary soldiers. He also said that Hannibal, his father made his swear that as long as he lived he would never be a friend of Rome.

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10y ago

Hannibal wanted to take the Romans by surprise.

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10y ago

Hannibal assaulted Northern Italy during the Second Punic War. His objective was to force Rome's hand into recognizing that the Cartheginians had the right to the hegemony of Saguntum.

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15y ago

cuz he felt like it!

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4y ago

he wanted to roll over the Messina and so did Rome and thats why

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Q: Why did Hannibal invade Italy?
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Who invaded Italy on elephants?

Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.

What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to invade the Italian Peninsula during the Punic Wars?

Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.

Why did Carthage not send reinforcements to Hannibal?

Carthage did send reinforcements, however the eventual Roman coubter-strategy was to invade North Africa, and Hannibal was ordered to come home to defend the city, ending his threat in Italy.

What animal did Hannibal use to try to invade the city of rome?

Hannibal did not attempt to attack the City of Rome - he defeated the Roman army three times in Italy. The elephants he brought from Spain mostly died en route and so were not used in the battles.

Where was famous general Hannibal from?

No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.No, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. He was the Carthaginian leader in the second Punic war who invaded Italy from the north.

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Who invaded Italy on elephants?

Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.Hannibal was the general who crossed the Alps to invade Italy from the north in the second Punic war.

What mountain did Hannibal cross to defeat the Romans in the second punic war?

Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.Hannibal crossed the Alps to invade Italy in the second Punic war. Incidentally, Hannibal did not defeat Rome in that war-- Rome defeated him.

What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to invade the Italian Peninsula during the Punic Wars?

Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.Hannibal crossed to Alps.

Leader of Carthaginian army who crossed the Alps to invade Italy?

Hannibal Barca.

Did Hannibal invade Italy from the north in the Second Punic War?

Of course, he went across the Alps to get there.

Did Hannibal threaten the roman republic?

He sure did. Not only did he invade Italy but he made a vow to be a lifelong enemy of Rome.

Who was the brilliant general that tried to invade Italy from the north using elephants?

The Carthaginian general Hannibal (247-182 BCE)

Why do you think Hannibal chose to invade Rome from the north instead of staging a head attack?

The Roman fleet was dominant so Hannibal had to go overland. That route was through southern Gaul and Italy.

Who crossed the Alps to Invade Italy in the 3rd century BC?

Hannibal son of Hamilcar Barca invaded Italy and occupied it from 218 to 202 BC during the Second Punic War.

Why did Carthage not send reinforcements to Hannibal?

Carthage did send reinforcements, however the eventual Roman coubter-strategy was to invade North Africa, and Hannibal was ordered to come home to defend the city, ending his threat in Italy.

What time did the Hannibal invade rome?

In 218 BC Hannibal invaded Rome.

Why did Scipio invade North Africa in the Second Punic War?

To threaten Carthage and so force Hannibal to return with his army from Italy threatening Rome.