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.When Gilgamesh and Enkidu return in glory, the goddess of love, Ishtar, proposes marriage to Gilgamesh. If he consents, she will shower him with many gifts, including a wondrous golden chariot studded with lapus lazuli, and will cause the mightiest rulers to kneel at his feet and pay him homage. But Gilgamesh refuses the proposal, telling her that he could not abide the infidelity for which she is famous. He recites for her a list of the lovers she enticed and then rejected. She turned one of them into a mole, another into a wolf. Deeply insulted, she petitions her father, the god Anu, to loose the great Bull of Heaven against Gilgamesh. Though Anu is well aware of his daughter's wanton ways, he gives in to her request after she threatens to break into hell and release the dead to work havoc among the living.

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6mo ago

Gilgamesh is unwilling to take Siduri's advice because he is still consumed by grief and seeking immortality after the death of his friend Enkidu. He is on a quest to conquer death and feels compelled to continue his search despite Siduri's warnings. His desperation blinds him to the wisdom of Siduri's advice.

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10y ago

Gilgamesh is unwilling to take Siduri's advice because he fears death. This fear came because of the death of his close friend Enkidu. *

* Rejecting Siduri's advice, he asks her to direct him to the immortal Utnapishtim to find the secrets of eternal life.

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Q: Why is Gilgamesh unwilling to take Siduri's advice at this point in his journey?
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Why do you think gilgmesh is unwilling to take siduri advice at this point in his journey?

Gilgamesh may be unwilling to take Siduri's advice because he is reeling from the death of Enkidu and seeking answers to his questions about life and mortality. He may feel that he needs to find these answers on his own and is resistant to the idea of seeking guidance from others. Additionally, Gilgamesh's pride and arrogance may also be preventing him from accepting advice from someone he considers to be beneath him.

Which character in Gilgamesh offers Gilgamesh the sage advice to live life to the fullest and relish its simple pleasures?

The character who offers Gilgamesh this sage advice is Siduri, a divine beer-maker and tavern-keeper. Siduri urges Gilgamesh to embrace the simple joys of life, cherish the present moment, and find contentment in the ordinary pleasures that life has to offer.

What advice was Gilgamesh given?

the advice was to enjoy his life and do what's best for his people

Why doesn't Gilgamesh take siduris advice?

Gilgamesh doesn't take Siduri's advice because he is driven by his quest for immortality and power, and he is not ready to accept the limitations of his mortality. He is focused on his own desires and believes he can achieve his goals through his own strength and will, rather than heeding Siduri's wisdom.

What is Gilgamesh's plan to change the god's minds?

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh plans to change the gods' minds by seeking the advice of the sage Utnapishtim, who survived the great flood and achieved immortality. Gilgamesh hopes to learn the secret of eternal life from Utnapishtim in order to gain the favor of the gods and avoid their wrath.

What part does the goddess Ninsun play in Gilgamesh?

Ninsun is the mother of Gilgamesh in the epic of Gilgamesh. She plays a protective and supportive role, offering advice and guidance to her son throughout his adventures. Ninsun is a wise and nurturing figure who symbolizes the maternal aspects of the divine.

Odysseus visits the underworld to do what?

get advice for his journey home.

How does Gilgamesh now intend to gain immortality?

Gilgamesh intends to gain immortality by seeking the advice of the immortal flood hero, Utnapishtim, who survived a great flood and was granted eternal life by the gods. He hopes to learn the secret of immortality from Utnapishtim and obtain it for himself.

Which character trait does Utnapishtim exhibit in the The story of the flood?

Utnapishtim exhibits wisdom and resilience in "The Epic of Gilgamesh" story of the flood. He follows the advice of the gods to survive the flood and then offers counsel to Gilgamesh about the realities of mortality.

Odysseus travels to the underworld in order to?

get advice for his journey home.

What is siduri the god of?

To the ancient Babylonians Siduri was a Goddess of wine, merry-making and wisdom. She lived in a tavern on the shore of the sea, beyond which was the "Land of Life". Siduri is referred to in the Epic of Gilgamesh as "the Refresher" or "the girl whose drinks refresh the soul". However, despite being given the status of a Goddess, it is probable that Siduri was just a regular girl who lived in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago, and who's message resonated so strongly with so many people that over the hundreds of years between her advice first being introduced into the Gilgamesh epic and it actually getting recorded in cuneiform on the Sippar tablet (following the first invention of writing by the Sumerians) that she became increasingly seen as a supernatural God-like entity. Some refer to her as a "Prophet" as an honorary title due to the impact her words have had on them and a "Sidurian" is simply one who tries to live their lives today according to Siduri’s ancient advice. Siduri's teachings form the basis for Sidurism, the Church of Siduri and contemporary Sidurianist philosophy.Source: The Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Teachings Of Siduri And How Siduri's Ancient Advice Can Help Guide Us To A Happier Life, Third Edition, by Peter Dyr.ISBN: 978-1301083473ASIN: B00B5KFX06Link:

Did Odysseus go to the underworld?

Odysseus went to the Underworld to get advice for his journey home.