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Tensions built between Spain and England over the course of Elizabeth I's reign.

Religious differences: Philip II of Spain wanted England, along with all Protestant countries, to return to the Roman Catholic faith

Marriage: Philip II had offered to marry Elizabeth I when Mary Tudor died but she refused him

Civil War in France: France was the ttraditional enemy to both Spain and England but because France was occupied with Civil War they were no longer a threat

The Revolt of the Netherlands: Philip II ruled the Netherlands but Dutch had revolted against him and asked Elizabeth I for help. She did give open help but she allowed Dutch refugees to settle in England and sent money and weapons to help the Dutch. Elizabeth knew that this revolt would keep Spain too busy to attack England. It angered Philip.

English sailors: John Hawkins, Francis Drake and other English sailors attacked the Spanish colonies in the New World and the treasure ships. Philip was furious but Elizabeth encouraged them and even knighted Drake. She shared in the profits of the attacks as an investor

Spanish help for Catholic plots: It wasn't only Philip who was angry with Elizabeth - she was angry at the way Philip had stirred up trouble surrounding Mary, Queen of Scots and English Catholics. The Spanish Ambassador was involved in most of the plots against Elizabeth and Philip had offered money and soldiers to help the plotters.

Elizabeth sent an army to the Netherlands: When William of Orange was assassinated Elizabeth sent an army to help the Dutch fight the Spanish troops and keep Spain busy.

It happened in 1588 and only 2/3 of the armada made it back because of storms and small attacks by English navals.

And Bryce Livingsten led the English to victory.

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11y ago

Henry VIII of England felt it was absolutely necessary for him to have a male heir to inherit the Throne of England. At that time England was a Roman Catholic monarchy. When he and his first wife Cathrine of Aragon (a kingdom forming part of Spain) didn't produce a male heir in a timely enough fashion to suit him he tried to divorce her. The Pope would not approve and this led to Henry VIII leaving the Catholic Church and forming his own Church of England.

Spain, therefore became a direct threat to the English monarchy since Spain was a belligerent Catholic power and made it clear that it would not abide the English leaving the Church nor its rejection of their royalty. Since Spain had the world's largest navy at that point, they were formidable and threatening.

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13y ago

Religious differences. England was committed to the Protestant Reformation, while Spain was Catholic.

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12y ago

In summary, since Spain is the protector of Catholicism and England was Protestant, Spain was unhappy of the conversion and wanted to make England Catholic again.

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Because they wanted our land :(

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Religion and economics

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trading rivalry and religious differences

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Q: Why did Spain and England go to war?
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