Rebels and americans
Americans had large investments in Cuba. They didn't want to lose all of their money, so they helped the Cubans out.
Americans turned against Iran when Iranian rebels held 54 US Embassy officials hostage for over 400 days.
President Roosevelt sent trooops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Colombia so that the United States could get the rights to build a canal in Panama at a lower price.
What led most Americans to support the rebels were the dramatic stories of Spanish atrocities reported in two of the nation's major newspapers, the New York Journal and the New York World.Reference: My American History textbook :]
In California, Americans rebelled against Mexican rule in the Bear Flag Revolt. The rebels declared California independent of Mexico and named it the Republic of California.
The American rebels during the revolutionary war adopted guerilla warfare tactics against the British.
Filipino rebels, like Emilio Aguinaldo, were told by the Americans that if the Spanish were defeated, the Filipinos would be granted independence. The Filipino Rebels, greatly desiring this, fought alongside the Americans. After the war, the United States reneged on the deal and would not grant Filipino independence for nearly another fifty years.
They were called "Rebels" because the Confederacy chose to rebel against the Union, and broke away from it.
Yellow Journalism affected public support for US Military action in Cuba by convincing many Americans that the US military should support the Cuban rebels .
He wanted to get the rights to build a canal in Panama at a lower price.