actually you can(i think). it just not show his heart but you can you have to check the assets and then if its full na eh di ok :)
Chat with our AI personalities
Only if you marry him.
They are: Vaughn, Elliot, Denny, Shea, Pierre, Chelsea, Julia, Natalie, Lanna, Sabrina, W.Princess, Your child, Karen, Popuri, Dr. Trent, Cliff, Chen, Charlie, Felicia, Taro, Gannon, Eliza, Nathan,...
you unlock taro, felicia, Natalie and Elliot in the first day. then came chen, charlie, gannon, Julia, mirabelle and vaughn. after you unlock the forest, you'll found witch princess, harvest goddess, and mountain and mountain-top harvest sprites. after you throw 3 gifts to the harvest godddess' pond, you'll experience the introduction of Nathan and alisa. you unlock eliza (gannon's daughter) by upgrading your house to medium size. lanna is unlocked bye fishing, so is denny and Pierre, and some other subsidiary characters. regis and Sabrina are unlocked by shipping 20 mines product. the others are unlocked by unlocking the meadow, forest, and jungle. wada and shea is unlocked by unlocking the jungle. the mineral towners will come after you unlocked the jungle. the other subsidiary characters are unlocked, as I've said, by fishing, mining, shipping products, unlocking things. etc. goodluck! :)
4-letter wordsaces, ache, acme, acne, ahem, amen, amus, anes, anus, came, cams, cane, cans, case, cash, cham, chum, cues, each, ecus, emus, haem, haen, haes, hahs, hame, hams, hash, hehs, hems, hens, hues, hums, hunh, huns, hush, mace, mach, macs, maes, mane, mans, mash, maun, mean, menu, mesa, mesh, much, muns, muse, mush, name, nema, neum, same, sane, scam, scan, scum, seam, shah, sham, shea, shun, such, unau5-letter wordsaches, acmes, acnes, amens, amuse, ashen, cames, canes, cause, chams, chase, chasm, chums, haems, hames, hance, hanse, heuch, human, humus, hunch, maces, mache, machs, manes, manse, manus, means, mensa, menus, mucus, munch, musca, names, nemas, neums, nucha, sauce, sauch, scena, shame, sumac, unaus, uncus, usnea6-letter wordsacumen, ashmen, encash, eunuch, hances, haunch, hausen, heuchs, humane, humans, maches, manche, mensch, muches, muscae, naches, nuchae, sachem, samech, schema, sheuch, sumach, uncase, unmesh, unseam, usance7-letter wordsacumens, eunuchs, hunches, manches, munches, usaunce8-letter wordshaunches
2-letter wordsad, ae, ah, am, as, aw, da, de, do, eh, em, es, ha, he, hm, ho, ma, me, mo, od, oe, oh, om, os, ow, sh, so, we, wo3-letter wordsado, ads, ash, awe, dah, dam, daw, des, dew, doe, dom, dos, dow, edh, ems, had, hae, ham, hao, has, haw, hem, hes, hew, hod, hoe, how, mad, mae, mas, maw, med, mew, mho, moa, mod, mos, mow, ode, ods, oes, ohm, ohs, oms, ose, owe, sad, sae, saw, sea, sew, sha, she, sod, sow, wad, wae, was, wed, wha, who, woe, wos4-letter wordsados, ahem, awed, awes, dahs, dame, dams, dash, daws, demo, dews, dhow, does, dome, doms, dose, dows, edhs, hade, haed, haem, haes, hame, hams, haws, head, hems, hews, hods, hoed, hoes, home, hose, howe, hows, made, mads, maes, mash, maws, mead, meow, mesa, mesh, mews, mhos, moas, mode, mods, mows, odea, odes, ohed, ohms, owed, owes, owse, sade, same, seam, shad, sham, shaw, shea, shed, shew, shmo, shod, shoe, show, smew, soda, soma, some, swam, wade, wads, waes, wame, wash, weds, wham, whoa, whom, woad, woes5-letter wordsashed, dames, deash, demos, dhows, domes, dowse, hades, haems, hames, hawed, hawse, heads, homed, homes, hosed, howes, mahoe, mawed, meads, meows, modes, mowed, sadhe, sawed, shade, shame, shawm, shoed, sowed, wades, wames, whamo, whams, whose, woads6-letter wordsmahoes, mashed, meadow, shadow, shamed, shawed, showed, washed7-letter wordsmeadows223 words found.
Only if you marry him.
yes you can marry shea in harvest moon sunshine islands and in Island of happiness for sunshine is land go to for island of happiness go to and it will tell you heart events and such but his heart is invisible you will know by what he says
yes! Peace out! By:Jessi Circle 3/31/09! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cornelius Shea was born in c. 1863, in Staten Island, New York, USA.
Shea is a "special" marriage candidate so his heart color is invisible and he has no rival. But he has the same marriage requirements as any other person. The marriage requirements are: -Upgrade your house twice -Buy the Husband/Wife Bed -Have a Red Heart (you can't see it with Shea but you can check how many hearts he has in the character asset page) -Complete his Heart Events -Unlock all 23 main characters -Have Nathan and Alisa currently living on the island After all of that you can propose using the Blue Feather.
no she got married and had a daughter named Madison
I am going to put my name in there cause you didn't give one so: Shea Sabbath. Shea Sabertooth. Shea Sabotage. Shea Sacrament. Shea Sacred. Shea Sacrifice. Shea Sadist. Shea Safety. Shea Sahara. Shea Salivate. Shea Savage. Shea Spectacular. Shea Systematic. Shea Synthetic. Shea Syntax. Shea Supercharged. Shea Suffocate. Shea Surrender. Shea Sublime. Shea Stethoscope. Shea Steroid. Shea Sterile. Shea Stellar. Shea Stegosaurus. Shea Stealthy. Shea STD. Shea Starflower. Shea Spinal. Shea Spiffy. Shea Spider.
by building a bridge to the jungle then go inside his house
LOVE YOU SHEA SHEA!!!!!!!! Brittney
Yes, shea butter is the oil of the shea nut.
Shea Vitartas goes by Shea Patrick.
Shea butter is extracted from the nut of the shea tree.