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too busy killing taliban at night

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Q: Why can you sleep better during the day then at night?
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Related questions

What are some good techniques I can do to help me sleep better at night?

The best way to get a good's night sleep is to exercise during the day. Another good way is to avoid napping during the day.

What animal that are active at night and sleep during the day?

A bat is active in night and sleep or rest during the day.

Do elephant sleep during night or day?

Generally they sleep at night

Do walruses sleep at night or during the day?

at night

Is exercising at night more effective than during the day?

i would say it is not good to exercise at night because if you do it will not allow you to sleep so it would be better to exercise during the day

Can owl see in day light?

Yes, but their night vision is way better, That's why they mostly sleep during the day and hunt at night .

Do pygmy monkeys sleep at night?

no they sleep during the day

Does a pangolin sleep at night or during the day?

Pangolins are nocturnal, meaning they sleep at night.

Do wombats sleep during the day?

Wombats are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night.

Do chinchillas sleep during the day or night or both?


What are animals that sleep at night called?

== == Animals that SLEEP at night (and are awake in the DAY) are called DIURNAL. Animals that are awake at night and sleep during the day are NOCTURNAL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

What are animals who sleep in the day and come out at night called?

Animals who sleep during the day and are awake at night are called nocturnals.